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Luke Liechty

Well that would certainly explain some things. Thanks for making this known.



Frankly, I thought people knew this! It’s well known here among older Baptist’s who were plugged into SBTS way back. He fundraised for one of the “liberal” presidents at one time.

People usually change their beliefs overtime through study or experiences and they communicate that journey. Mohler just uses his position (which as a form of power comes influence to his followers) to present his new positions with no explanation. Note, he did this on homosexuality a few years back after spending 10 years on the radio here teaching/declaring the opposite. He has no qualms doing so because no one dares question the great man. He has lost some support here from certain areas over Russ Moore and some of his bizarre articles about culture, environment, etc, and his own political positions the last few years.

And yet, we are NOW to believe he had NO IDEA how bad it was with Mahaney. But thankfully, Rachel Denhollander covered for him. That world is too sick to be Christian.

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