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How many millions were spent by NAMB planting Driscoll clone Acts29 churches? Have people forgotten how vulgar and demoralizing he was about women? Does anyone remember What he called women? I can't even write it here, for crying out loud.

I can't even begin to tell you how many excuses I heard for Driscoll's views on eomen all over the SBC YRR blogosphere and in SBC YRR churches --for years.

Where were the calls to cut all SBC ties with Driscoll?

Where were the calls to cut all ties with Mohler over his promotion, partnering and defending of the pedophile ring leader, CJ mahaney?

They want us to think they are the good guys who care.

I want to make a prediction here. Ever since Rachael Denhollander spoke out about Mahaney, Mohler decided it was good PR for them to keep Mahaney off the stage at T4G. Denhollander's husband is working on a PhD at Southern.

I predict Mohler and Moore will have her become a spokesperson with them against abuse in the church.

That is the kind of people we are dealing with. They appropriate, deflect and rehab their image the way some people change their hairdos. They have absolutely no principles or shame.

I have more respect for consistent jerks. Not deceptive opportunists. I will never understand how anyone can trust what they do or say if they know anything of their history.


Hey Peter! Good to "see" ya. A few thoughts,

Anyone who screams "red herring" when Piper's name is brought up is just admitting that this isn't about protecting the 'wimmins' but about SBC politics. If you truly are concerned for women than it doesn't matter that Piper's not SBC. If Piper's words don't matter than you're not really too concerned about women folk are you?

Beth Moore needs to come clean and start naming names. She's not brave and she's not helping if she doesn't come forward with the goods. Again if this is truly about helping women and not about SBC politics we should all know who has treated Beth so shabbily. Name 'em and shame 'em otherwise you are now part of the problem of covering up for abusers. Also any woman still at the Village Church including Lauren Chandler need to have a seat since their church actually has been shown to spiritually abuse women in bad marriages. Clean up your own house girls before you attempt to tell anyone else how to do some light dusting.

Give Burleson credit that he's very clear that he wants to see the SBC doctrine changed in regards to women. Now most of those on the #metoo bandwagon are not actually advocating for changes to SBC doctrine so that's interesting.

And the timing? Very interesting not just because it's so close to the Convention but because it stopped all the fall out from the MLK thingamingboo. That fight was getting interesting as not all the YRR crowd are buying into the drift into cultural marxism that Moore is leading. The circular firing squad was gathered and ready to start shooting and then POOF! New shiney object!

But alas the annual "Vote for this resolution to prove you're not a racist" resolution has been unveiled and that might be getting the youngster's attention. It's not that racism resolutions are bad per se. It's just that these resolution are a way of virtue signalling and forcing thought conformity. YOU WILL BE TOLD HOW TO THINK! or your name will be taken for nonconformity. The white guys all pat themselves on the back and then go back and change nothing in their lives because these issues have nothing to do with them so what do they care.


“Clean up your own house girls before you attempt to tell anyone else how to do some light dusting.”


“Give Burleson credit that he's very clear that he wants to see the SBC doctrine changed in regards to women. Now most of those on the #metoo bandwagon are not actually advocating for changes to SBC doctrine so that's interesting.”

This has been confusing. You can’t want to see the doctrine changed and ignore Mohler, Moore, Acts 29/Driscoll, Mahaney, etc, etc who have been teaching this stuff forever. Makes no sense. Mohler and Moore are the Goliaths here compared to Patterson.

A chilling fact overlooked is the “champion of women” victims in the SBC outed a victim of discrimination without her permission in his zeal to go after Patterson. This is according to her legal testimony. Aside from her being OK with it now, it doesn’t really matter to the bigger point he used her as a victim to go after Patterson without her approval. It says so in her own testimony. He outed her without permission! Burleson is also a “victim” blog pastor. One doesn’t out victims without their express permission. That shocked me to the core. It’s a trust issue. It might be ok now and she’s might be glad he did but it’s still there. He did that.


"the annual 'Vote for this resolution to prove you're not a racist' resolution has been unveiled"

I love it!

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