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Great question for the people who put so much stock in how religious leaders vote and their opinions on such.

I am still amazed they influence people on such things.

Beyoncé will bring in lots of votes for Hillary, too!

Go figure.

peter lumpkins

I hear you Lydia. What is more, the talking head evangelicals who've been blasting away at evangelicals generally by suggesting they lost their moral soul and along with it their moral courage do not possess the moral fortitude to "call out" John MacArthur for his Trump vote. They can only do it apparently when it does not hurt their brand. I mean, what YRR follows Robert Jeffress? James Dobson?


Thank you for posting this link.

I believe that the more information that gets out to Christians, the more that Christians will be better informed when analyzing this year's election.

Les Prouty

"...do not possess the moral fortitude to "call out" John MacArthur for his Trump vote."

Oh I think that dare not. These people "blasting away at evangelicals" couldn't carry JM's athletic supporter" were they pressed into such service. In their moral superiority, they err on the wrong side of this, IMHO.


The take home message " ... it's scarier to know what Hillary will do!"

Thus, I will punch "R" at the top of the ballot tomorrow and promptly leave the voting place to throw up.


Peter writes "... what YRR follows Robert Jeffress? James Dobson?"

The new reformers would never follow such religious fuddy-duddies! Mohler and Moore are so much more intelligent and have a direct line to God on such issues, so the YRR will open their minds to what they are saying and let their brains fall out.

Scott Shaver

Pete not be holding his breath...but I am.

Stench of hypocrisy is overwhelming.


Don't worry guys. When the election or recount election is over, they will have a big unity conference and plenty of followers will pay to attend and hold hands.


Lydia is right.


Lydia writes "they will have a big unity conference and plenty of followers will pay to attend and hold hands"

Sounds like an SBC annual convention. Kumbaya!

Scott Shaver

A big unity conference of hand-holding young men in their spiritual safe zone.

Sounds more creepy than hip to me.

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