When it became clear to me months ago that Donald Trump would become the only real challenge to a Hillary Rodham Clinton victory for the White House, I became more verbal and perhaps more public about the 2016 presidential election than I've ever been about any election since I started voting in the early 70s. I believe this election remains, so far as this world is concerned, the last hope to preserve what we have left of a democratic republic founded upon our original constitution. Political corruption in both Democratic and Republican parties remains a primary reason our beloved country has tanked, albeit the former has been more actively scrubbing our constitutional rights away while the latter has passively allowed it to take place. Money, power, and greed are seeded deep down in both parties.
Thus, contrary to those who continue to tell me why I voted for Donald Trump, I most certainly did not vote for Trump because he is on the Republican ticket. As I mentioned above, political corruption in the Republican establishment soars just about as high as corruption in the Democratic establishment. While the platforms themselves are entirely different (and yes, the Republican platform still retains a hearty, healthy dose of constitutional republicanism), too many of the same greedy politicians infest both parties. Hence, I presently hold no allegiance to a single Republican just because he is a Republican. And, frankly, I think I represent a lot of Conservative Christians in saying that.
What is more, I voted for Trump because, given the dark alternative I firmly believe exists if Donald Trump does not win the White House, I voted for Trump because, for me, I was morally compelled to vote for Trump.
Others may not see it as I do. Granted.
But I am not responsible to detractors for whom I vote.
I am responsible to God, to my family, to my church, to my country, to myself.
Below is part of a piece I penned in June when Russell Moore and Al Mohler encouraged their audience to consider voting 3rd party or write-in since Donald Trump was the Republican nominee.
For me, it's as true now as it was then.
Why Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump.
- Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump because they're convinced a Clinton White House threatens the future of the United States
- Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump because they're convinced a Clinton White House forges the Supreme Court toward a Leftward direction for at least the next generation
- Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump because they're convinced a Clinton White House seals the destruction of the 2nd Amendment
- Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump because they're convinced a Clinton White House disassembles our Military and needlessly put our sons and daughters in harm's way
- Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump because they're convinced a Clinton White House advances the culture of death, and in every conceivable way, pushes an abortion on demand and euthanasia agenda to extremes we've not experienced in the United States
- Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump because they're convinced a Clinton White House continues a fatal attack on religious liberty and especially discriminates against conservative Christian beliefs and values in society generally and education particularly
- Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump because they're convinced a Clinton White House increases socialized medicine by extending Obamacare's failed policies further into the lives of American citizens
- Evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump because they're convinced a Clinton White House loosens even more the failed immigration laws we presently have so as to endanger the lives of American people by implementing more open border policies, offering mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, and through insufficient patrol, encourages terrorists to enter our borders by stealth.
I will be an American, too, and vote "R" this election ... then go out in the backyard and throw-up! Beyond the future Supreme Court make-up (the most critical issue to me), Congress is on the chopping block, too ... we need as many "Rs" in office as possible. So, with one check, I will vote for some good Rs in my State, as well as some rascal Rs. I will vote "R" and hope for a better day ... and pray for Jesus to come back soon.
Posted by: Max | 2016.10.26 at 11:24 AM
According to Hillary Clinton and Russ Moore you are now an official immoral deplorable.
Russ Moore and Hillary Clinton have much in common these days.
Posted by: Lydia | 2016.10.26 at 11:28 AM
Got u beat Pete. Was among first in line for early voting toward Trump in Montgomery Cty Texas. First time in my life have early-voted.
Amazing how casting a vote for a "misogynist, racist, sexual predator" conservative was so therapeutic against the voices of the psuedo-intellectual baptist religio hacks.
Not only do I not feel "guilty", I feel relieved.
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.26 at 12:25 PM
"misogynist, racist, sexual predator conservative" vs. "psuedo-intellectual baptist religio hacks"
Scott, I don't know which is scarier!
Posted by: Max | 2016.10.26 at 12:38 PM
Believe me, the baptist hacks are scarier than psycho clowns IMO. Happy Halloween Max.
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.26 at 04:39 PM
Hey Scott,
Did you experience that problem some Texas folks are having voting straight "R" then to have Clinton selected. Any
first hand knowledge on whats going on?
Posted by: Eric O | 2016.10.27 at 06:24 AM
My county (Montgomery) is primarily Republican, Eric.
I voted straight R and checked before submitting to make sure the right names were in the right places.....my vote for Trump/Pence registered correctly.
Don't know about Austin (weird democrats).
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.27 at 07:17 AM
Scott, there is a move here to take a screen shot of complete ballots --which is legal here. They should do this in Chicago where so many dead people vote democrat. :o)
We should distrust our voting process and closely monitor it. Anyone remember when those absentee ballots of military were thrown out during the Gore/Bush count?
Posted by: Lydia | 2016.10.27 at 07:33 AM
Our machines only show total votes per precinct. We have no way to check if it registered correctly.
Posted by: Lydia | 2016.10.27 at 07:35 AM
I have no doubt that significant fraud via voting booths settings or malfunctions has been going on for a number of years.]
Screen shots of the voting booth screen is a good idea, no wonder its illegal in some states.
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.28 at 07:21 AM