I wrote this on Facebook a few hours ago:
Finally someone with clout speaks out on Al Mohler and Russell Moore's nonsensical stance as advocates of #NeverTrump, a position he says will put Hillary in the White House.
A member of the Foundation Board of Southern Seminary for years, currently an associate of the foundation, and a financial supporter who's donated thousands as well as given annual grants to professors.
Louisville, KY attorney, Jack Richardson says,
"I and others on the board could not disagree more with Mohler’s position on Trump. Moreover, many professors disagree as well, but can’t speak out." He further notes, "Mohler’s and Moore’s “Never Trump” position I find borne of false piety and self-righteousness."
The attorney pulls the rug right out from under Drs. Mohler and Moore:
"I’m sure if some of the content of the discussions in closed-door meetings of Moore and Mohler while others were present were disclosed, the hypocrisy of their stand on Trump would be humiliating and humbling. Perhaps that is what is needed."
Note also. I've often 'heard' Russell Moore was identified with the Democratic party. Richardson indicates he has first hand knowledge:
"It's not so surprising that Russell Moore is a "Never Trumper," as he was always fond of reminding me that he was a Democrat. Of course he could never reconcile how his support for the positions of his party was at such odds with his Christian faith yet he continued supporting what is abjectly opposed to what donors who support his institution pay him to do."
Very proud of Jack for publicly standing up to the Mohler/Moore cabal. Self righteousness is exactly it. Are we really debating which candidate is more moral while Rome is burning? And it is. we have a small amount of time to turn the " oligharcical big government in bed with multinationals" around. Hillary has made a killing off pay to play. Both have sold us out for years.
I have maintained since Moore first spoke on this it is about the establishment and him being tapped by pundits for his opinion on camera and in print. This is about his personal brand. Mohler should have stayed silent but they are so used to having thought control of their young followers they forget there are adults outside their bubble.
From a monetary POV, Mohler might have caused future problems for Southern. I do know Moore angered some local execs a while back with one of his biased pieces on his site about BP oil spill.
Moore also has a tendency to play both sides on certain issues for expediency. A lot like Hillary depending on who she is talking to.
Posted by: Lydia | 2016.10.23 at 07:16 PM
Somebody once accurately pointed out that "Russell Moore is a terrible representative of evangelicals."
Whatever else you may think of the man, he hit that nail on the head.
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.24 at 02:23 AM
Me thinks Jack has been reading some Pete! Way to go!
Posted by: Alex Guggenheim | 2016.10.24 at 07:46 AM
If you knew our representative congressman, a silver spoon limo liberal, Yarmouth, you would know how much that group appreciates Mohler's stand on Trump. Maybe Mohler will get the cover of Yarmuths liberal local publication, LEO.
Posted by: Lydia | 2016.10.24 at 08:29 AM
Sorry, spell check keeps changing "Yarmuth" to Yarmouth.
Posted by: Lydia | 2016.10.24 at 08:31 AM
Mohler has always seemed to play to power more than principle.
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.24 at 01:59 PM
Kudos to Jack Richardson for simple, irrefutable logic.
The only mistake I can see here is that of hoping Russell Moore might actually attempt to reconcile the stark contrast of some of his political views with his actual job description per donors.
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.25 at 02:09 AM
On Feb 16 2009, Albert Mohler published an article entitled:
"President Clinton's Spiritual Enablers Reaping an Unholy Harvest". The article was a scathing rebuke leveled at SBC moderates as being responsible for creating the climate for a "morally bankrupt presidency" in Bill Clinton.
Now that "moderates" are no longer a recognized presence within the new delusional "SBC", Mohler and Moore are alienating at least half of what's left of their religious constituency by supporting Hillary Clinton (inadvertently through their hatred for Trump) and unleashing upon America a demonstrated and exponentially worse version of the prototype "morally bankrupt presidency".
Wonder who's gonna get the blame for CLINTON2?
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.25 at 02:25 AM
As for Russell Moore on the BP oil spill.
The guy owes the laptop from which he pens his social commentary as well as the clothes he wears, the vehicles he drives, the highways he travels and the sippy-cups for his latte to the petroleum industry.
Where would Christian ethics be today without such things?
I doubt seriously these guys will be the first to start chopping fire-wood, picking cotton and recharging their electric cars on dirt roads when hydrocarbons are made "obsolete".
Posted by: Scott Shaver | 2016.10.25 at 02:36 AM