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Scott Shaver

Ethereally minded to point of being no earthly good is another way of looking at it. Good analyses Pete.

Alex Guggenheim

Another personality leading this charge of pseudo-Evangelical piety is politics (yes, politics, not political) blogger Erick Erickson who once owned RedState but sold the domain and now run Resurgent, whom I have always had the impression he is what one would get if one mixed Fred Flintsone with theology.

His one-man army of self-righteous crusading against any and all Christians who would dare vote for Trump and demonstrates the very things Pete has described, in detail. He's damned then all.

His self-injurying and other-injuring style of a noble conscience is the very yoke placed upon the people by the Pharisees.

Bill Signer

How can we reasonably trust Trump to do what he says he'll do? Setting aside the fact that we can never fully trust any candidate (or person for that matter) to do what they'll say, what gives us so much confidence that Trump will select judicial candidates that will uphold the Constitution and that he will actually be tough on abortion?

peter lumpkins

This post is not about trusting Trump. But it's never assumed here that Trump is to be prima facie trusted. However, ironically I most certainly do trust Hillary Clinton to do what she says she'll do. Enough said.

Alex Guggenheim


Two things. First, ook at his choice for VP. There is your biggest indicator of his intended direction.

Second. Any other choice you make we KNOW that person ISN'T going to make such choices. Why? Because a third or alternate candidate won't be in the White House and the other one, Hillary, is a radical leftist.

But let's deal with your doubts in a practical way. Do you really think anybody is going to run a campaign promising such things wanting to be president and then failing deliberately to do such things and expect to be reelected? He will be running an administration with the intent of being reelected of course he will attempt to fulfill these things.

Eric O

You Ask Bill:
"Do you really think anybody is going to run a campaign promising such things wanting to be president and then failing deliberately to do such things and expect to be reelected"

In general,I do. Remember that a few reasons why the conservative electorate is revolting against the establishment is for this very reason. The republicans promised if we would would just elect them, they will stop Obama.

We did...and they didn't.

Alex Guggenheim


What you are referring to is the promise as a collective not the promises as an individual but let me be clear John Boehner was ousted for his failure and some others suffering for their individual failure


"How can we reasonably trust Trump to do what he says he'll do? Setting aside the fact that we can never fully trust any candidate (or person for that matter) to do what they'll say, what gives us so much confidence that Trump will select judicial candidates that will uphold the Constitution and that he will actually be tough on abortion?"

Hillary has proven she cannot be trusted and considers her and Bill above the law. This has been going on for a long time. Trump is there as the anti DC establishment candidate. Personally, I would have preferred Carson for that function.

I wish someone would explain to me how a president can be "tough on abortion" besides repealing a few exec orders and using rhetoric. Hillary won't be "tough" on abortion so what IS the point? I just don't get it when evangelicals make that a condition on candidates. The one thing that drastically cut down on abortions was the invention of 3-D imaging. No president needed. :o)


"In general,I do. Remember that a few reasons why the conservative electorate is revolting against the establishment is for this very reason. The republicans promised if we would would just elect them, they will stop Obama.

We did...and they didn't."

Bingo. They were afraid of being called racists for fighting Obamacare which is going bankrupt in most states. They are the establishment and part of the problem.they pass laws for us for which they exempt themselves. That is an oligarchy.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that so many Americans have accepted the fact they must prove to the IRS they have health insurance. It is now the new normal and the republicans did not fight it tooth and nail. They are the reason for Trump. They are also responsible for this micromanaging nanny state.

Eric o

This is off topic with respect to peters post.
You are being overly charitable to our Conservative party.
While they generally work as a collective, most members
Ran on a platform saying they would stop Obamas harmful policies. A few like
Cruz followed thru on his promise and was thrown under the bus.
So, every single individual is responsible for not following thru with
His promise. It's not about a collective. Just because boehner was removed
Does not relieve the others from not doing their duty.

History is full of examples where politicians promised one thing and did another.
After all, that is, what politics is about.


Eric, as much as I hate to admit it, there was a time in my life I was involved in party political world. I have a family member appointed to a certain govs cabinet many moons ago. And not Republican, either. In this state you ran democrat even if conservative. And the Democrats would vote for them because of tge "D". I was young but I learned a lot. Now some younger extended family are making a fortune off the DNC so I do get to see the talking points.

I say all that to tell you the democrat party is one of the most well oiled corrupt machines ever to exist. I am amazed any Republicans are ever elected. You can't even get Republican poll workers here in certain districts because it automatically means your car will be vandalized or worse. And we see the buses drive up and envelope of money handed out after voting. The union's have been in front of that effort for decades. It is blatent.

The Republicans can hardly agree on anything much and are made up of many fiefdoms. They are simply not as organized because Because they dont engender group think to the same degree as democrats. They have nothing like the get out the vote machine. And worse, they fell prey to PC thinking. How does one disagree with a black president without being called a racist? They don't. It will be the same for a woman president. They will be misogynists. Everything has been reduced to group think and personalities.

I do think the lines are blurring. Many people are asking what is the difference? In my experience the difference is in the amount of growth of government controlling us through regulation and income redistribution.

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