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In effect, the Calvinists want to present the Founding as more of a denomination in structure than independent churches formed to "cooperate" on missions.


As an aside, when reading all these historical snippets from Baptists, I am starting to gain insight into perhaps why I never heard a reference to any creed or confession in all the SBC churches we were in. I can start to see the trajectory of thinking....questioning...from historical snippets.

We were actually taught that we were not 'man made creed or confession people'. I can remember that plain as day from Training Union. My family and extended family affirmed it. We had scripture, Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit so the creeds and confessions were not needed.

And I even see the same wrangling today over which creed or confession and then wrangling over interpreting them! It's a fools game and it concerns me to see adults get sucked into that.

Robert Vaughn


I offer a little historical tweak to your article on Mississippi Baptists, which does not change your point or interpretation.

The Convention called for by the Pearl River Association in 1848 was apparently a one time Convention for the purpose of seeking greater uniformity of belief -- or at least the way that belief was stated. It does not represent the formation of the current Mississippi Baptist State Convention, which was organized in December 1836 and therefore already in existence at the time this other Convention was called for.

The Abstract History of the Mississippi Baptist Association (a local association, not the state convention) by T. C. Schilling suggests this Convention called for was related to a difference between the Mississippi Baptist Association and the Mississippi River Baptist Association, the latter's correspondence not being received by the former in 1844. Schilling says, "The point of difference between the two Associations is not given, but it is probable that it involved the matter of election, since the two bodies express this doctrine in different terms." In 1846 a church came to the Mississippi Baptist Association, having "withdrawn from the Mississippi River Association, and adopted articles of faith that were orthodox..." Apparently they got whatever the difference was ironed out, because after 1848 Mississippi River was once again in correspondence with Mississippi. Schilling's work also suggests differences over the doctrine of election in the mid-1800s in the state of Mississippi.

peter lumpkins


Thanks for the corrections which prove helpful in better understanding some of the division among 19th century Mississippi Baptists. More are welcome!

With that, I am...

Robert Vaughn

You're welcome. My wife's ancestor Jesse Crawford was an early Baptist preacher in south Mississippi, so I've studied the old Mississippi Association a bit. But I still have a lot to learn.

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