Some hefty events have taken place since I last posted. In fact, I've only posted six times this year, one piece being the thoughts of a guest contributor. Nonetheless, I've forged some fairly strong conclusions about some of the more significant happenings in and around the Southern Baptist Convention, including but not limited to, my own place of employment. A lot of people have tried to "pick my brain" about Brewton-Parker College and the criticism surrounding the events of the last two months. And at times, I confess, it's the proverbial razor's edge I must walk, not allowing rumor to stand on one hand while not saying too much on the other, the too much being defined as privileged information I naturally incur due to my position. Know my position at BPC I will continue to respect and remain reserved with what I might say on my private site lest others claim I'm speaking officially as Vice President of Communications.
While I presently have little spare time to devote to SBC Tomorrow, I have no intentions of going away (most of my time presently is spent on launching our new college website). I still have lots of research into old Baptist documents to post. It's only a matter of time before I do.
In the future, I probably won't post as much about convention politics or controversial matters--at least those "controversial" matters which amount to a gnat's breath beyond rumor. And, I'm done ever again focusing my energy on personality or celebrity issues --Christian or not.
The last few years in social media have produced a less than visible but surely undeniably ugly albatross the Church must carry around her neck in the foreseeable future. The constant "calling to public repentance" by some professing Christians, Christian-based groups and organizations while at the same time stalking, harassing, ridiculing, and displaying hate-filled, obsessive behavior toward those they claim to "love" has so discredited the pure gospel, mocked the true Church, twisted biblical discipline, created real skepticism, wounded the weary, and deepened the root of sin in the sinner that the Christian message of a genuine hope, actual healing, and the promise of eternal heaven that our faith guarantees remains thoroughly painted over with gallons and gallons of expired latex.
In short, from the world's vantage point, while they readily acknowledge a gap in belief systems between them and the Church, they concede no gap in their behavior systems. Indeed in many respects, from the world's perspective, their moral behavior toward others far outshines the Christian's behavior toward others--especially toward other Christians. And I cannot, with an honest mind, unreservedly challenge their claim--at least in this instance.
Hence, I, for one, am both spiritually sickened and morally ashamed.
May my Lord forgive me.
May He forgive all.
I trust under God that the things I write in the future will honor both truth and grace...both what is right and what is necessary...both what is just and what is merciful...both what is edifying to the saints and glorifying to the Lord of the Church...
Come Lord...
The direction you are choosing for this site makes sense.
Then to urge everyone to to navigate in the direction of loving one another is really the only path of healing among all of us who profess the gospel and is good advice for all of us.
What we all have witnessed is the colliding of doctrine among those that profess the Gospel in an unloving way.
I can say I've been guilty of that and in truth whether I see those who practice a differing doctrine admit to being unloving or not, doesn't matter in how I view their behavior as it only matters how I behave.
I will add that I have no idea how the SBC can continue to operate with their blinders on,,
I do think the differences and methodologies are significant enough that warrants a serious re-evalution of what doctrine and certain heavy handed methods is truly representative of the beliefs of the SBC. Otherwise the SBC will further blossom into an organization of contradiction of methods and doctrine.
This is what has spurred the lack of love you are talking about. I have no idea the solution other than pursue loving one another and prayer.
In truth I've often wondered if the best solution is allow the Calvinist as a whole to bask in victory so they can split hairs with each other in the hateful manner they have exercised against Christians who fail to embrace Calvinism and Calvin's methodology.
There are so many different dialects within the Calvinist Doctrine for them to fight over for the next couple of centuries that will keep them so busy and judging one another's salvation, they may simply disintegrate or self-destruct. So why collide with them in the first place?
I'm just not so sure I'd like to see this happening in the SBC and in my view Christians and Christian Calvinist have not shown me any reason why they should be in the same room together.
Posted by: Mark | 2015.03.07 at 12:53 PM
"In short, from the world's vantage point, while they readily acknowledge a gap in belief systems between them and the Church, they concede no gap in their behavior systems. Indeed in many respects, from the world's perspective, their moral behavior toward others far outshines the Christian's behavior toward others--especially toward other Christians."
As I have had to tell some folks I know: I can explain the behavior of the unbelievers to my kids but not the behavior of many adult believers they know, sadly.
Your posts on history have been wonderful. I hope to see some more in the future.
Posted by: Lydia | 2015.03.10 at 04:46 PM
wow,,,That is similar to much of my problem with 2 separate "methodologies" within the Reformed Movement.
One Methodology embraces a Law and Sin Center Ministry more than a Christ Centered Ministry,,,whereas we spend more time focused on ourselves instead of Christ,,,and by focusing on ourselves we lack joy. And of course if we are focused on Christ we are less focused on temptation.
This works based theology also questions those that aren't pursuing (or fabricating) suffering and persecution and wearing it on their sleeves for all to see.
Pretty hard to see persecution on Christian that happy in the Lord!
The other Methodology is a little more complicated as the Reformed retaliate and judge believers to hell to those that don't submit to Calvin. (or question where they are going with their works based theology) Some will covertly attempt to indoctrinate Congregations to 5 Point Theology without even disclosing what they doing.
Why would a non-believer want in Christ if they have more joy than the believer enduring rebuke for not following Calvin?
Why would a non-believer want in Christ when Christians are colliding and judging one another to hell or accusing each other as being a bunch of practicing Heretics?
Posted by: Mark | 2015.03.11 at 12:01 PM