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David R. Brumbelow

I’d like to disagree with you.
But it does seem that Charles H. Spurgeon really did believe in Limited Atonement.

Apparently he never preached from 1 John 2:2, judging from an index on his preaching. His expositions on 1 John 2 ignored v. 2.

He seemed to have the standard Calvinist interpretation that “all” refers to redeemed out of every tribe, not all humanity. He also seemed, for the most part, to skip over the passages that plainly say Jesus died for every person.

The best I can do is this:
In a Thursday evening service Charles H. Spurgeon prayed,
“Lord, hasten to bring in all Thine elect - and then elect some more.”
-C. H. Spurgeon

David R. Brumbelow


“Lord, hasten to bring in all Thine elect - and then elect some more.”

It's amazing how many Southern Baptists were "elected" in the red hot fire of revivals which used to take place in our churches. We could use some of those movements of the Spirit now ... perhaps that would bring a halt to our theological drift. Problem is I don't see many folks exercising 2 Chronicles 7:14 these days; apathy has settled into pulpit and pew. In addition, the itinerant vocational evangelist is a rare and endangered species in SBC life. And then there's the lack of bold, passionate Spirit-led preaching of the Cross by the pastors of our churches - something you could expect to find in most SBC churches in the near-past. Strange days indeed.

Andrew Barker

Peter, this is typical rhetoric from Spurgeon, but in fact I do not believe it bears close scrutiny at all. In his sermon he sets up a straw man and then proceeds to a typical loose exegesis of the meaning of the word 'all'. Where have I heard all this before?

His straw man is the bridge of general atonement, which he says stops halfway and gets nowhere. He of course has no scripture to back this up since the bridge is a figment of his imagination. But he plants the concept in the mind of the unwary. This is followed up by a quote from 1 Tim 2:6 "who gave himself a ransom for all." He then proceeds to pour scorn on the idea that 'all' could possibly mean all by choosing a totally unconnected verse which says "the whole world has gone after him" referring to Jesus. Now since Spurgeon is able to claim that 'the whole world' plainly did not go after Jesus, we are to believe that all does not mean what it says?! He claims that there are after all about 7 or 8 (no need to get too precise) senses of the word all and of course conveniently he states that all very rarely means all person individually! But no attempt is made to see if the word all means every individual in the actual verse to which he refers.

I am very wary of using other people's failed analogies but if there is a bridge of general atonement, I am sure that it crosses the river most securely and the bridge has been well made. It may be rather narrow and people have to go one by one, but there is no restriction as to who may cross or when they do this. Nobody is to be carried and you can't hold on to anybody's coat tails. You cross under your own steam. Importantly nobody if forced to cross either. The bridge is not constructed out of man's logic or clever ideas. Rather it seems an unlikely path to take and is deemed by some to be utter foolishness.

I shall stop there because I think the point has been made regarding the straw man. I am not going to try and fit verses to each point although I suspect it could be done more soundly than trying to formulate the view from scripture that this virtual bridge is half made!

As to the correct exegesis of 1 Tim 2:6 you need only to start reading from the beginning of the chapter:
verse 1. entreaties to be made on behalf of all men
verse 2. all who are in authority
verse 6. as a ransom for all

according to strongs 'all' is adj-GMP in each case

You could add verse 8. I want the men in every place to pray. The word used is adj-DMS which I believe is a greek way of saying every single place or all places? So the same basic word is used in three other cases around verse 6 where people have no problems accepting that all means what it normally means.

I know Spurgeon gets quoted a lot of social media etc. but for the most part I do not find him a very helpful commentator and certainly in this sermon I find his acceptance of Owen's thoughts on limited atonement are most unsatisfactory.

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