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"When I graduated from Boyce in 1981, I received my brand new Abstract of Theology by James Petigru Boyce (1827-1888) compliments of Founders Ministries."

Congratulations Peter! You were the target and recipient of several thousand copies of Boyce's “Abstract of Systematic Theology” distributed on SBC seminary campuses in the 1970s-80s. The "Boyce Project" was an ambitious effort of the Founders' "Quiet Revolution" to put Boyce's theology/philosophy in the hands of every student graduating from the six Southern Baptist seminaries at that time. Led by Ernest Reisinger, the “Project” republished and distributed over 12,000 copies of Boyce’s book to SBC seminarians … planting the seeds of reformed theology which took root in some of our churches as these seminary graduates found their way to SBC pulpits. That goal (as now at certain SBC seminaries) was to influence young minds with reformed thinking before they enter ministry.

Those unfamiliar with the "Quiet Revolution" can read all about it in Reisinger's book under that title. The "Boyce Project" is outlined in chapter 3 "The Beginnings of Reformation in the Southern Baptist Convention". The complete text of "A Quiet Revolution" was formerly posted on the Founders' website, but a check this morning revealed that it "might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."


Well, amen, B.H. Carroll! A Biblicist. Imagine that.

And yet, when I've said the same thing to some people, on and off the blogs, they've accused me of some bad things for just saying that!! lol.

Thanks for sharing this, Peter.


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