I was introduced to the late John R.W. Stott in a little book on evangelism he first published in 1967 (published by Eerdmans stateside in 1969). Entitled Our Guilty Silence, Stott sketches out four reasons why Christians don't witness to non-Christians:
1). No compelling incentive to speak. Christians lack motivation. Here urgency is missing.
2). We do not know what to say. Not urgency but rather ignorance. Some fear they will not know what they are supposed to say or if they do speak will say something wrong.
3) Not convinced it's our job. Neither urgency nor ignorance are key to this person's silence about the gospel. Instead confusion reigns. "Preachers are supposed to do it, right?" Instead of hearing the summons of Jesus saying to them personally "I will make you become fishers of men..." they only see Jesus calling the twelve to Himself (i.e. the preachers).
4) Do not believe it will do any good. With folk who remain remain silent for this reason, it is not because of ignorance, urgency, or confusion. Rather it is because these folk have lost hope in the power of the gospel--"I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16). They have become powerless.
I shall never forget Stott's contribution in my early Christian journey.
Sounds like a good read. In my own life I've observed that there are only two groups of people who seem to witness with any consistency and urgency. Those who have an inner compulsion that I believe comes from genuine gift of evangelism and those that have a vision of God in His supremacy and beauty. Those that acknowledge a duty and obligation, but express little of a soul changing relationship with God seem to be be very hesitant and faltering in engaging others about salvation. I've been in both the latter positions.
Posted by: Phil | 2013.09.01 at 07:39 PM
Give us a watchword for the hour,
A thrilling word, a word of power;
A battle cry, a flaming breath,
A call to conquest or to death;
A word to rouse the church from rest,
To heed the Master's high behest.
The call is given, ye hosts arise,
The watchword is EVANGELIZE!
To fallen men, a dying race,
Make known the gift of gospel grace.
The world that now in darkness lies,
O Church of Christ, EVANGELIZE!
(R.G. Lee)
Posted by: Max | 2013.09.02 at 08:07 AM
John Stott was a wonderful pastor and writer. I have enjoyed his work for many years.
My pastor says that Stott has probably had more influence on him than any other writer.
Posted by: Louis | 2013.09.02 at 09:10 AM
I have read Basic Christianity and The Cross of Christ. I especially appreciated the Cross of Christ. However, he rejected the biblical teachings on hell and was an annihilationist. I am not aware that he ever changed his position on this. Who knows, had he lived and wrote for another ten years where his theology might be.
“No honest man can be a member of the church meeting at the Tabernacle, and hold annihilationist views, for now and in all time past we have borne testimony to the generally-received doctrine” (Spurgeon’s Autobiography, Vol 4, p.129)- Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Posted by: Ronnyie Boyd | 2013.09.04 at 08:44 AM
Hi Ronnie
I was aware of Stott's view on annihilationism, but I am not aware of when he actually came to this position. It seems to have surfaced in 1988 in his debate with Liberal Christian, David Edwards (published in book form as Essentials : A Liberal–Evangelical Dialogue). Our Guilty Silence was more than 20 years earlier. Hence, Stott's regrettable views on annihilationism notwithstanding, his writings still generally impacted my own journey of faith, specifically being impacted by the little book on evangelism.
Thanks for your contribution...
Posted by: peter lumpkins | 2013.09.04 at 08:57 AM