19th Century Southern Baptist theologian James Petigru Boyce--'infants dying in infancy are regenerate'
“It follows from the facts in these last two statements, that a corrupt nature makes a condition as truly sinful, and guilty, and liable to punishment, as actual transgressions. Consequently, at the very moment of birth, the presence and possession of such a nature shows that even the infant sons of Adam are born under all the penalties which befell their ancestor in the day of his sin. Actual transgression subsequently adds new guilt to guilt already existing, but does not substitute a state of guilt for one of innocence”
--James Petigru Boyce, Abstract of Systematic Theology, 1887. p. 250.
“Regeneration (as in infants) may exist without faith and repentance, but the latter cannot exist without the former. Therefore, regeneration precedes”
–Abstract, p. 381 (emphasis added)1
1Boyce apparently held views similar to A.H. Strong who embraced a postmortem regeneration of all infants dying in infancy (see Augustus H. Strong, Systematic Theology, 1907, pp. 660-665)