'Toplady, one of the highest Calvinists of the Church of England, remarks as follows respecting the salvation of all infants dying in infancy:
'“The rubric of the Church of England declares that ‘it is certain by God’s word that children which are baptized, dying before they commit actual sin, are undoubtedly saved.’ I believe firmly the same. Nay, I believe more. I am convinced that the souls of all departed infants whatever, whether baptized or unbaptized, are with God in glory. And I think my belief warranted by an authority which cannot err: Matt. 18:14” (Church of England Vindicated).'
--as quoted in William Greenough Thayer Shedd, Dogmatic Theology, ed. Alan W. Gomes, vols., 3rd ed. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Pub., 2003). Page 910, footnote 104.
Great citation! When you stop to consider the fact that Reformed Calvinists have nothing equivalent to the Roman Catholic limbo, the novelty of this doctrine in the history of Christian thought is striking. They are the only party to put forth, with a straight face, the repugnant idea that some babies and little children will forever bear the eternal wrath of God, and suffer conscious punishments in soul and body without relief, all for the glory of their god and the display of his wonderful justice. This doctrine of infant damnation is sickening, unbiblical and psychologically deranged. Any Christian with an ounce of common sense and capacity for moral reasoning should brand it what it is. Rank heresy.
Posted by: Paul Owen | 2013.09.01 at 03:57 PM
Paul Owen writes "This doctrine of infant damnation is sickening, unbiblical and psychologically deranged."
And everybody said AMEN and AMEN (or should have). When it comes to this matter, Christian doctrine (regardless of theological persuasion) should simply be as Jesus stated "Our Father in heaven is not willing that ANY of these little ones should perish."
Posted by: Max | 2013.09.01 at 06:38 PM