Oh if only conservatives in today's marketplace had a supposed independent news agency like Associated Press (AP) to repair conservatives' rhetorical blunders in the printed media.1 An AP follow-up story explains its mistake in cleaning up the President's gaffe about Gulf cities on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno:
"In an Aug. 7 story on President Barack Obama's comments on the need to deepen U.S. harbors, The Associated Press wrongly inserted an interpretive phrase in parentheses into a quote by Obama... . The AP should not have added the phrase in an effort to clarify his statement" (//link)
What if the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, a televangelist, or a conservative political celebrity like Newt Gingrich or Mike Huckabee had bungled so badly a geographical statement, would the AP or any other mainstream news agency have doctored the blunder apparently to only save embarrassment for the spokesperson? Highly unlikely I'd say.
Other helpful links:
- Politics: AP admits 'fixing' Obama quote saying east coast cities were on Gulf of Mexico by Dan Calabrese
- Associated Press admits to “wrongly” fixing Obama Gulf ports gaffe by Matt Cover
- AP Issues Correction of Obama Quote [Video] by Accuracy in Media
1perhaps this is what AP meant by "accountability journalism" in 2008. see "Associated Press Endorses 'Accountability Journalism'"
Hello Peter, it's nice to see you enjoying your summer with time with your wife!
It's truly frightening that we don't have anything like a free press anymore. We have propaganda press that serves liberals. What's even more frightening is how people are completely unaware that they are being lied to and manipulated by this propaganda machine. Vlad Putin has to be jealous of how this President in his control.
Posted by: Mary | 2013.08.13 at 05:31 PM