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"... moral shift away from biblical holiness ..."

When "New" Calvinism appeared on the SBC landscape in my view, I made a dedicated effort to understand YRR belief and practice. I didn't approach it to fault-find ... I'm not hung up on form ... I just wanted to see what all the buzz was about. There was no doubt that certain SBC church plants in my neck of the woods were attracting large crowds of 20s-30s ... I simply desired to see why. I keyed in on one particular church which was growing rapidly. I began to listen to podcasts by one very cool young pastor. It was quickly apparent that a holiness message was not in his repertoire. In one sermon, he rattled off about how he could only be good for so long, before he had a "sin splurge". Whew! That's the kind of preachin' young folks want to hear!

SBC Today recently posted a good piece entitled "Be Holy" by Franklin Kerksey http://sbctoday.com/2013/03/11/be-holy/ in which he points out the positional (His part) and practical (our part) aspects of holiness. However, while some within the YRR movement don't have the right balance of positional/practical, there are multitudes of old non-reformed Baptists who suffer with this ailment, too. We are in desperate need for an outbreak of repentance and prayer across the generations.

John Wylie

I love when Dr. MacArthur said, "Don't go to a flat screen church." He hit the nail on the head.


They are going in droves, John. There are many in my city. And, some of them are NOT Calvinist. I am not sure if Highview (of Ezell and Mohler fame) is still doing Sat downlinks where all campi get the same sermon from same pastor, Russ Moore? Anyone know?


I suppose we must be grieving God by this point with all of our gimmicks. The world tells us that we must merge into the 21st century with cyber-services, holographic preachers, half-clothed praise and worship groups, and other such methods ... all the while the Holy Spirit is trying to get us back to 1st century belief and holy living through prayer and repentance. No doubt that these formats are attracting a crowd, but a crowd is not necessarily a congregation of the Lord. Being "culturally-relevant" is highly over-rated ... we are largely doing church without God and we haven't missed Him yet.


Agree with John Wylie, and I have to remember Dr. MacArthur's statement, "Don't go to a flat screen church." I will use that one.


I agree that there are some well known evangelicals who have less conviction about certain practical issues than the earlier generation.

But I do not see that in the SBC - on the Reformed side or the non-Reformed side.

Who is MacArthur talking about in SBC circles?

They may be out there, but I do not run into them.

The last SBC meeting that I attended where there was even close to a discussion about this was Louisville, and the discussion there was whether to rebuke Mark Driscoll for his language or to ask LifeWay to stop selling his books.

On the "flat screen" phenomenon, that is certainly out there. The only ones I know in our area are both not Reformed.

I am sure the Reformed community across the country has its promoters, too.

I know that Mark Dever, for example (whom I think would be Exhibit A of Reformed leadership in the SBC), not only does not believe in the flat screen phenomenon, he does not believe in multiple services because it prohibits all of the local church from gathering together.

I would really be interested if anyone has the names and churches in the Reformed SBC community where there is a significant move away from holiness. Who are these guys? And what are the issues they are promoting that would make us less holy?


"I would really be interested if anyone has the names and churches in the Reformed SBC community where there is a significant move away from holiness."

I think it depends on how one defines Holiness. I am not sure that is a good way to ask about a YRR type church. They believe in a sort of progressive justification so sanctification or "fruit" is not really an indicator for them.

Helen Kenna

Sorry that this is a bit unrelated but I can't get the email working!

I have really enjoyed your articles about Calvinism and the SBC. Last year I found a simple version of the early Baptist's modified TULIP explanations. I believe that it was linked to one of your articles. However, I can't find it anywhere. If it's not too much trouble would you be able to post or send me the link or the information? [email protected]?

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

Sincerely yours,
Helen K Kenna

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