"Chatty Cathy" dolls were introduced by Mattel Toys into the I-want-a-dollie-for-Christmas market beginning in 1960. For years, my youngest sister (who is older than I am, ha!) drooled for a "Chatty Cathy" to be found under our modest annual Christmas tree in the living room of our four-room shack at Coon Creek Hollow, Tennessee. As I recall, she never got one.
"Chatty Cathy" not only remained one of the first talking dolls on the market, she served as an icon for what seemed to be conventional wisdom growing up--women are chatty, men are not. At least, that's what we guys always said.
Come to find out, we were right!
According to a new study by a research team from the University of Maryland, women really are more talkative than men. In fact, they discovered that women on average speak 13,000 more words per day than men.
Good Heavens! Cathy is more chatty than anyone ever imagined!
I'm going to call my sister. "See, I told you so!"1
Read full story: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2281891/Women-really-talk-men-13-000-words-day-precise.html#ixzz2LeIZWVFF
1of course, I'm writing this in jest; read the conclusions of the study. It also found girls learn to speak earlier and more quickly than boys. Females produce their first words and sentences earlier, have larger vocabularies and use a greater variety of sentence types than boys of the same age. This is hardly an occasion for we guys to pass the champagne bucket...
Then let them gals preach - Lord knows enough SBC men have put their sword down these days! My wife is one of the most godly men I know ;^). A dedicated Bible student, she has wisdom to impart to others ... they call her Brother Brenda in these parts!
Posted by: Max | 2013.02.22 at 12:47 PM
Truth be told, Max, my wife has saved my hide from being skinned more than once by some church members I sorta 'stirred up'. Kathy's demeanor, her godliness, her gentleness, her stability and peace-making skills, not to mention her ministry abilities in getting things done at the church were too big of sacrifice for them. They'd rather tolerate me and have her than boot me and lose her!!
Posted by: peter lumpkins | 2013.02.22 at 12:55 PM
"They'd rather tolerate me and have her than boot me and lose her!!"
Peter, I suspect that is the case with a lot of SBC men - both pulpit and pew! I'm not a moderate nor the son of a moderate, but I believe if Jesus set women free, we ought to turn them loose more than we do in the work of the Lord. I'm also not a fan of LifeWay these days, but Ed Stetzer posted an interesting survey yesterday indicating that Christian women pray more and live their lives to please and honor God more than men http://www.edstetzer.com/2013/02/new-research-god-uses-intentionality-to-grow-us-spiritually.html.
If God can prompt a donkey to preach and cause rocks to cry out ... etc.
Posted by: Max | 2013.02.22 at 01:54 PM
As a mutualist my prayer is we all work together and use our gifts for the Kingdom. When Paul was a fire breathing Pharisee He had no qualms about dragging women believers to prison. Nor were women believers spared the Coliseum. We are all in this together.... We just have more words. Now whether that is an effect of the fall.... or part of the image of God, I do not know.
If you guys have not read up on the research concerning brain scans Of London taxi drivers..... It is really interesting.
Posted by: Lydia | 2013.02.22 at 02:07 PM
Lydia writes "We just have more words. Now whether that is an effect of the fall.... or part of the image of God, I do not know."
Good words Lydia - makes a guy think. God has plenty to say ... but most men don't listen to Him either. ;^)
Posted by: Max | 2013.02.22 at 02:20 PM