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pam knight

Peter, your research on these issues and sharing with us the very words written from these conversations and books from the past and present are priceless to me and so many others who follow your post. Thank you for all the time and work you put into this.
In Christ
Theo & Pam Knight

peter lumpkins

Theo & Pam,

Thank you for the encouragement. Many believers like yourselves exist across both the SBC specifically and evangelicalism broadly who realize a vast biblio-theological cemetery remains among us, and unfortunately the skeletons of confessions, creeds, and theologies having little affinity with our Southern Baptist heritage fill many of those graveyards. And, it's a realization concerning which you frequently can't quite put your finger on but you know it exists nonetheless. History inevitably comes to our aid in those times. Too, many do not have the time while others may not have the resources available to do some of the digging up of the past. I am only glad to be of help to you both.

Grace always...


"And, it's a realization concerning which you frequently can't quite put your finger on but you know it exists nonetheless. "

One reason I so appreciate it is because the SBC nowadays looks nothing like the one I grew up in. (many churches, btw) It looks nothing like the one my great grandparents wrote about. Or my grandparents/parents who never missed a convention.

I will say this, the one I grew up in and the one my grandparents passed on was one that the focus was on missions not the pastor. In fact, the pastors wanted it that way. We always had missionaries in our homes and were constantly conversing with them, hosting them, traveling with them when they were here on furlough, etc.

The SBC I grew up in was NOT pastor/leader centered but missions centered. We knew who were were in Christ and longed to tell the nations. It was not composed of celebrities making their names great among the nations so they could have more followers.

I really do think it has come to that, sadly.


What's so amusing is the loudest voices telling us that Traditionalism is not what the majority of the SBC believes are YRR who came out of OTHER denominations in adulthood into the SBC. So those of us who grew up in the SBC know less than those who've only recently found the SBC in their young lives.

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