« A brief discussion on Dr. Mark Devine's chapter--"Total Depravity" Part 2 by Peter Lumpkins | Main | Whomever He Wills: a brief discussion on Dr. Andrew Davis' chapter--"Unconditional Election" by Peter Lumpkins »



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Peter, I just had a Calvinist thought. It was Divinely decreed that you would discuss the problems with DeVine's teaching on total depravity. You had no choice in the matter of blog posts. :o)

Randall Cofield


You seem to be saying that a person can experience the New Birth and receive the New Nature and desires...all exclusively by the hand of God...yet can then choose not to believe/have faith.

Is that accurate?

R. Cofield

peter lumpkins

No, it is not accurate. In fact, I do not recall mentioning much at all about what I actually embrace except by way of denying determinism. I hope to put up some positive affirmations if the future concerning what I believe the Bible to teach on the classic "five points". In the meantime, I'll continue with some initial commentary on Whomever He Wills.

With that, I am...

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