The spring issue of The Journal for Baptist Theology & Ministry deals with three perspectives on soteriological models: Calvinistic, Arminian, and Baptist. Authors include Steve Lemke, J. Matthew Pinson, and Kenneth Stewart among others >>>
Especially helpful is a paper presented by Dr. Pinson, President of Free Will Baptist Bible College, entitled "Thomas Grantham's Theology of the Justification and the Atonement" with panel responses by several theologians including James Leonard, Rhyne Putman, and Clint Bass followed with a rejoinder by Dr. Pinson. We tend to forget that Thomas Grantham was Baptists' first systematic theologian. We further forget Grantham was not a Calvinist.
Part II of the journal includes papers by Reformed theologian, Kenneth Stewart, Professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia and author of Ten Myths About Calvinism: Recovering the Breadth of the Reformed Tradition (IVP Academic, 2011). Dr. Stewart's paper is entitled "The Doctrine of Regeneration in Evangelical Theology: Reformation to the 1800." Another paper holding promise is "Beyond Calvinism and Arminianism: Toward a Baptist Soteriology" by pastor-theologian Dr. Eric Hankins, First Baptist Church, Oxford, Mississippi.
The best part is, the journal is free!
Download the entire journal from the seminary's Baptist Center website.
Also, if you are interested, I have a book review published in the Journal. Further, Dr. Bart Barber reviews Alcohol Today: abstinence in an age of indulgence. I appreciate Dr. Barber's critical review of my contribution to understanding the alcohol issue for today's believers.*
With that, I am...
*my apologies to the readers. I confused the journal issues in which Dr. Barber's review of my book was published. The journal has experienced some delays in posting issues online. Hence, Dr. Barber's review of Alcohol Today:abstinence in an age of indulgence appears in an earlier issue which was posted online approximately the same the latest issue was posted. Here is the link
Thanks for sharing about this great journal and the latest edition. It got a chance to look at it yesterday and I'm so excited about reading every article.
I had the opportunity of pre-reading the article by Dr. Eric Hankins prior to the publish date. It's worth the read.
Peter ... I heard that Dr. Hankin's Dad is the State Ex. of LA convention.
Posted by: Ron Hale | 2012.01.18 at 12:18 PM
Thanks for the reminder. Great looking journal. I look forward to reading Grantham by Matt Pinson. His 2003 journal articleWill the Real Arminius Please Stand Up?brought a new light to my understanding of Arminianism, which I had generally only known or thought of as Wesleyan-type Arminianism. I quickly scanned Eric Hankins's piece, but haven't read it thoroughly. It's well worth the price. Oh, wait, there is no price! But it definitely will be the highlight of the journal, imo, to be brought to think of a biblical soteriology that is not bound by a thousand years of (often) unbiblical presuppositions.
But, Peter, where is Bart's review of your book? I thought you meant either in the journal or on his blog, but I haven't found it in either place.
Posted by: Robert Vaughn | 2012.01.18 at 05:00 PM
My deepest apologies. I actually thought the review was this issue. However, it is a former issue my review is in, but the issue has just been posted. The journal has been behind and they are just now posting it. So, here it is!
With that, I am...
Posted by: peter lumpkins | 2012.01.19 at 06:17 AM
Great review by Bart Barber of "Alcohol Today: Abstinence in an Age of Indulgence." Hope everyone will read it, and then buy the book.
David R. Brumbelow
Posted by: David R. Brumbelow | 2012.01.19 at 09:34 AM
Got it. Thanks, Peter.
Posted by: Robert Vaughn | 2012.01.19 at 06:16 PM