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boB Cleveland

I'm not sure your post intended to imply that the Falwell name was emphasized on the list, but it's not as of now. And, the site linked states it's "... not an Official FHTM Corporate Website". Which would make one wonder whose it was.

If you want a real view of what can happen in MLM. Google "Glenn Turner" and/or "Koscot Interplanetary". And in those cases, the MLM scheme was selling a product with a scintilla of uniqueness. FHTM doesn't seem to sell things you can't already buy elsewhere, which leads me to wonder if the sale of product is the objective of FHTM.

Tim Rogers

Brother Peter,

We were told that Dr. Merritt was out of FTMH and all of the videos were down. However, if you go to the FTMH Testimonies website he is still being promoted by the company. You can see his testimony http://pgs.ash.com/Testimonies.html>here.


peter lumpkins

The red is mine. Nor am I unaware that the site is not officially FHTM. In fact, none of the Merritt videos I found were on the official FHTM website. Rather the FHTM reps used the videos as promotional tools on their personal sites to lend credibility to their cause.

With that, I am...

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