« Christianity Today records "surge in sexuality debates" by Peter Lumpkins | Main | Reformed Effeminaphobia by Peter Lumpkins »



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Steve Evans

Peter, please take an indeed well-deserved break from all the stir. Many of us appreciate your stand and are in agreement with you. But please, don't give up in the fight for the truth. Enjoy your time away and may our Lord bless your family.

Bob Hadley

May God continue to bless you and your family and ministry, including SBC Tomorrow. There is a LOT going on and we need to be as aware of as much of that as we responsibly can be.

The historical aspect can really get tedious and is used quite often as a means to avoid the real issues. I am amazed at how much attention is given to history that is 400+ years old etc. I understand the contributions of the history makers of their day but there is a BIG difference in what was going on then and what is going on now. Also it is so easy to embellish and exaggerate their influence. It is no doubt important to look at history but it very seldom makes as good an argument as some try to assert.

I know you will persevere!

Grateful to be a reader!



Hurry back Peter. I'm having withdrawals when I can't find your comments! I've actually been reading a bunch of other Baptist and Christian blogs and they do make me appreciate your blog all the more.

I hope you have a great time away but hurry back soon. We need your prophetic voice.

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