« 9 Marks Ministries: An Official Ministry of the SBC? by Peter Lumpkins | Main | Encouraging a Culture of Intimidation in the SBC by Peter Lumpkins »



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Douglas R Belardi

How about an attempt at accountability on regenerate church membership?
Oh yeah, the resolution passed a few years ago meant nothing


How does the SBC hold a church accountable (for money given or persons baptized) without violating the cherished baptist principle of local church autonomy? Sounds very presbyterian to me.

My church holds the SBC accountable, not vice versa. They can choose not to fellowship with my church for specific reasons if they so choose, but those reasons are listed in our constitution. The ACP is not a tool of accountability. It is a tool to allow ExCom and Lifeway to study our convention, nothing else.

Stephen Beck

Peter, thanks for the question raised of Dr Mohler today. I was pleased with his gospel-centered response. I haven't been able to watch the video feed much because of work but I hear you have been making the rounds to several microphones! I pray your presence and activeness in the convention helps to better it and glorify God.

I posted a few comments the last time you mentioned Dever and some other apparently elder-led, reformed leaders, a couple weeks ago. I was not and still am not intimately connected to 9 marks but I am taking classes at setbs and it is very, very obvious the appreciation that Danny Akin and others at the school have for Mark Dever, CHBC, and the 9 Marks ministry. They are in their 3rd or 4th year of having an annual fall conference at SEBTS, going through one of the nine individual marks each year. Mark Dever and Danny Akin are close friends, probably dating back to when Akin was a professor at SBTS. I don't know about the ACP reports, this is the first time I've even heard of it, but I trust the products and mission of CHBC and the larger 9 Marks ministry is obvious.

Again, I hate to harp on this, but I would be slow to lump together Acts 29 or other mostly non-SBC groups with Dever and 9 Marks (as some commenters have done in the last couple days). They may have similar-sounding ecclesiologies and their soteriologies are certainly nearly the same, but Dever has not shown anything that would separate him from Baptist distinctives and a commitment to the SBC. I would check out 9 Mark's recent articles, from just this week, refuting James MacDonald's (leader of "Harvest" church planters, a ministry closely tied to and similar to Acts 29) recent blog post ranting against congregationalism.

Bill Pfister


While in seminary I worked for a Bible study software program and we had an exhibit at the SBC several years in a row along with several other software companies. There is precedent for allowing non-SBC entities space on the exhibit floor.

Bill Pfister



Please please please. If you're going to address the post speak to something I actually state not something I specifically and explicitly deny.

With that I am...



To argue thusly is sheer nonsense. The difficulty is I actually think you know this but you attempt to make a point anyway

With that I am...


9Marks doesn't decline accountability to Southern Baptists - it is accountable to the Southern Baptists who are members of the Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

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