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I think there is a difference between what you're writing against and what the author of the linked article was saying. It seems that he made a consistent effort to write the word "reformed" with a lower-case "r". Thus, he wasn't claiming new affiliation, but giving a more specific description of his beliefs.

I don't know if the context of this was a personal attack against you, or if something was said in the comments to make this post necessary; but from what I can read this just seems a bit nitpicky.

I would agree that someone affiliated with the SBC shouldn't confuse things by claiming to be a "Reformed Baptist" but don't see a problem with the article he wrote.

Grace and Peace,

peter lumpkins


Try this: walk to the nearest mirror...look yourself right in the eye...and put your tongue in your cheek and smile.

Sometimes humor does not communicate at all on the net. But this was a meager attempt to smile a bit at some of my "Reformed" brothers who are wed to the "Reformed Baptist" moniker.

With that, I am...

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