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Before you criticize TGC bloggers, I spoke to one of them on the phone: they got advanced copies.
Like it or not, Kevin DeYoungs extended review on the book, which he obviously read, is incredibly useful.

peter lumpkins


You're a little late to the party. Already had that one.

Nor why anyone would even desire to read through a tome like DeYoung's, reviewing a book which offers little, if anything, substantial to say about the subject it addresses lies beyond my radar. Other commitments must drive someone to that length. No thanks.

With that, I am...

RL Adler

great review Peter. ive read another even handed review by ben witherington, here's an excerpt that resonates:

"While I agree that the underlying theological assumptions and assertions in this book are fair game for close analysis and critique, you would be missing the point if that is all you do."

i am convinced that deyoung, burke, taylor, et. al, wrote tomes to muddy up their rush to judgment. when one sorts through their exhaustive rhetoric you almost forget what they're writing about. because it just becomes another circular argument resulting in reformed systems.


I have to disagree about the danger about Bell's work. In the Canadian evangelical subculture that I'm a part of he's a big deal. And from my vantage point, Bell isn't an end in itself, he seems to be a gateway drug to liberalism. The guys I know who liked Bell and Mclaren didn't stay with those guys and their confusion, they became more certain but in a more non-evangelical direction.

Good post though!

peter lumpkins


Thanks for your contribution and perspective. I appreciate your candid appraisal. Lord bless...

With that, I am...


Totally agree with you Brooks. Our state introduced Bell to the college and youth crowd years ago. Many youth pastors I know were intrigued by his Nooma video's, books, conferences, etc. Not seeing a problem at that time, they used his material. He was and is very popular among the younger set.

I agree with Peter that Bell didn't introduce anything new to Christianity that we haven't heard before, but I believe in the past, he cloaked it well enough that many didn't see it. Bell wrote many years ago that he and his wife had decided that the Bible was not a book of divine fiat, but just of men. As I've said before, that told me all I needed to know. He wrote in Velvet Elvis, if everything we learned about Jesus turned out to be a lie, didn't do miracles, wasn't born of a virgin, etc., we should be able to follow him because he was a great person.

I've read so many books of folks in the emergent movement, including Bell, and in my opinion, there is no doubt in my mind where he and others have stood on God and His Word! Wasn't hard for me to know this man was peddling dangerous stuff a long time ago. Love Wins is just more of the same. Just wish we as SB would do our homework and check these folks out before we bring their messed up teachings into the church!


Many of the "resurgent" young pastors in my area cut their teeth on "emergent" teachings by Bell, McLaren, Miller and others in that camp ... more "culturally-relevant", you know. I've had that discussion with more than one young SBC pastor recently. As Kim notes, Nooma materials have been used in many SB youth programs. Yet another example of the influence of non-SBC entities on SBC ministries to youth and young adults. It's been interesting to note how quickly the young, restless and reformed have distanced themselves from Bell after the recent revelations about his teachings. They're dropping him like a hot potato now, when in the not too distant past they didn't have enough discernment to pick up on the error they were introducing to SB youth. Look for Bell's books and videos to show up in yard sales soon.



Ah, was hoping for a review from you Peter and not just a blurb.

peter lumpkins

You got my review. It was a doggone pretty book--literally!

With that, I am...

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