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A.M. Mallett

Well, it will always be Candler's Mountain to me but that is because I left the area before Liberty became so large. I hope they don't go too far down this road of becoming an "on-line" university if only because of the immense benefit the classroom and campus interaction provide.
They have a successful distance learning program now. Perhaps they might turn their focus toward improving those programs while growing their on-campus endeavors as well.


I'm getting "Error 404 - Not Found" for that editorial. I'm not sure if the link is wrong or if they've pulled it from the site.

peter lumpkins

They must have took it down for only a short-time. It appears to be back up now.

With that, I am...

Tim Rogers


They did not put the original article back up. They put one back up that has been majority edited.


Jared Moore

Peter, what was Falwell's vision concerning the online program? Do you know? I ask because it was definitely in full swing with thousands upon thousands enrolled when he passed away (I think in the 20,000s). Also, didn't he start the online seminary?

I'm just wondering if whether or not this was Falwell's eventual plan?

Jared Moore

BTW: I'm a graduate of the online seminary.


Original article is here:

peter lumpkins


I don't know what Dr. Falwell's vision was when the online program began. I do think I am correct in assuming whatever his vision was, it did not include what critics maintain: "pour[ing] ... an inordinate amount of resources into "online" instruction similar to the University of Phoenix and other "online" universities."

With that, I am...

P.S. Oh, and congratulations on graduating from LUO.

peter lumpkins


Thanks! I looked for the cache file and failed.

With that, I am...

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