Not sure why my copy of Love Wins has not made it to my mailbox yet. Perhaps it is yet another delay due to production issues. Anyway, I've tried to steer clear of the reivews thus far since I plan to review the book myself>>>
One thing seems hard to miss, however: those who were so spunk sure they knew precisely what Bell was going to say that they offered a review on a book they'd not even read cannot be overly pleased from the reviews thus far logged from within the wider evangelical tent (i.e. if the chatter is any indication). Nor can it be persuasively argued as some are attempting to do that Arminians naturally came to Bell's aid while the Reformed defended the Biblical view. The truth is, both convictional Calvinist and non-Calvinist may be found on either side of the question pertaining to whether Rob Bell makes it clear in Love Wins that he embraces a form of universalism.
I'll wait until I read for myself Bell's book before I offer my own review concerning it. In the meantime, however, one review I had to read for obvious reasons is up next.
With that, I am...
Am I missing your review of the book? I don't see it anywhere.
Or is it possible all the people who said it was heresy were right...and you feel a little ashamed at this point about agreeing with them?
Come on, Peter. What happened?
Posted by: Jason | 2011.03.31 at 11:36 AM
Excuse me? What under the blue sky are you talking about, guy? What happened? How about I haven't got around to reading Bell's book yet. You wouldn't want me to post a review if I hadn't read it now would you? Or, perhaps that may just be the new paradigm after all!!! ;^)
With that, I am...
Posted by: peter lumpkins | 2011.03.31 at 11:45 AM
The book has been out for 2 weeks. I would think someone who was so strongly against all the observations made from others about the book, would have wanted to read it so he could review it and see if those people were crazy or if they were right.
It got enough "air-time" on this blog, I simply thought you might have been in more of a hurry to read it.
Posted by: Jason | 2011.03.31 at 12:03 PM
Nope. Indicative of your observation, too many already showed no courtesy whatsoever in prejudicial nonsense. I'll wait to I actually read the book.
With that, I am...
Posted by: peter lumpkins | 2011.03.31 at 12:12 PM
Not suggesting you should do otherwise.
Posted by: Jason | 2011.03.31 at 12:15 PM
Great! We're agreed then.
With that, I am...
Posted by: peter lumpkins | 2011.03.31 at 12:26 PM