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Tim Rogers

Brother Peter,

Great resources. Here are links to the Gomes articles you have listed. They are great reads.




peter lumpkins

Thanks Tim. Great links!

With that, I am...

The Seeking Disciple

Thanks for the books and articles on hell. How the Church needs to know what she truly believes about his and not listen to the likes of Rob Bell and then buy into what he says simply because it appeals to our flesh.

peter lumpkins


Thanks. While I remain unsure exactly what Bell's book explains Hell is, if the past things I've learned of Bell are indicators, I'm all but sure I will have major disagreements as will most conservative Christians.

Grace, bro.

With that, I am...


For a more recent treatment, consider Morgan, Christopher W., and Robert A. Peterson, eds. Hell Under Fire, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004. This collection has chapters by R. Albert Mohler, Daniel Block, Doug Moo, J.I. Packer, and Sinclair Ferguson to name a few controbutors.

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