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Jerry Corbaley

Hi Peter,

Perhaps it would be helpful for people to humbly ask themselves this question: “Can sin be worse than I think it is?”

And if they can reflect honestly on that question, then they can ask themselves: “Can sin be infinitely bad?”

Perhaps the Infinite God is the only one who knows how bad sin is in a meaningful way.

Perhaps He will not react well to a world full of finite, sinful people passing judgment on His own righteousness.

Perhaps people in hell will spend their time adding to their offense.

Just thinking.

A. Price

1 Jesus DESCRIBES The Reality of Eternal Hell
Dr. John Barnett | Hell is REAL
Discover the Book Ministries Play! |

SUN 03/13/2005
6,740+ downloads | 51 min

This is one of THE MOST 'spine-chilling' sermons on the subject of Hell that I have 'ever' heard!! After hearing it, you will want to 'run' out into the street and 'stop' the first person you see and tell them, "they DON"T want to go there!!

peter lumpkins


Hey brother. Glad you stopped by. I think you raise legitimate points, though evangelical universalists like Gregory MacDonald do not think your point is well-taken. He argues in his book, The Evangelical Universalist (p.14) that a scenario you raised perpetuates eternal dualism which remains the theological conundrum those who believe in eternal torment desire to deny...

A. Price

Thanks. Agreed. When the reality of hell actually sticks to our souls, evangelism cannot be avoided.

With that, I am...

J. K.

Interesting quotres from Dr. Nicole. I'll keep that in mind.

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