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Quinn Hooks

Which one do I click? I am 47, married, have a child,serve as a pastor, and graduate school educated?

Ron Hale

Sorry, I'm messing up your age curve ... since I'm 57 years young. However, I do have children, seminary educated and mostly browse your site from my home computer.

I am glad that some of the younger guys browse your site ... because they can learn a lot!

peter lumpkins


Quinn & Ron,

I added a video just for you guys! Enjoy!

With that, I am…



I am none of the above. :) selahV

Ron Hale

Thanks for the little Misfits clip ...lol! It made my day. <><



Sorry. I am unsure what happened to the poll widget.

Hope all have a great weekend.

With that, I am...

Bob Cleveland

There's no "None of the Above" button.

I'm calling ACLU!


LOL, I guess I fit into the "misfit" group also! I'm 38, with 7 children and some college but no degree.


60, white, with kids, layman...why am I being discriminated against???
I want a 'spot' on the survey!!!
I'm calling the ACLJ.......

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