« Quiet Revolution or Open Celebration? Calvinizing the Southern Baptist Convention by Peter Lumpkins | Main | Calvinism: Necessary, Sufficient, or Neither? by Peter Lumpkins »



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Darby Livingston

"Just because one does not—or even cannot--obtain 100% objectivity does not mean one should not strive for greater objectivity any more than the poor redeemed sinner who does not—or even cannot--become 100% perfect in what the Bible morally demands should not strive for greater obedience."

This is the money-statement of the whole post. Right on Peter. Renew my subscription to your blog.

peter lumpkins


Thanks bro. And, where should I send the invoice? :^)

Grace, my friend.
With that, I am...

boB Cleveland

Not to mention we'd best scrap the whole trial by jury thing, as, goodness knows, 12 folks cannot be objective about the accused and the facts.

And just think of what this does to every election the SBC has ever held.

Good post.

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