« Peter Lumpkins: The Worst Kind of Baptist Blogging: A Rejoinder by Peter Lumpkins | Main | Time to Quit Blogging? by Peter Lumpkins »



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Darby Livingston

Peter, you said, "EBTS often lifts up as moral leadership models—church growth specialists, church planting specialists—leaders who not only believe in moderational use of intoxicating substances for pleasurable purposes, but also have an in-your-face posture toward those who are abstinence-oriented."

Would you grant that the hyper-critical, judgmental, in-your-face position taken by abstinence-oriented believers might have something to do with the response by those you call hipsters? I would argue it isn't only those who approve of moderate drinking who are confrontational. Some even write book-length in-your-face arguments equating any view other than abstinence-only as unwise, and therefore sinful.

As for the back and forth with Dave, blogs are strange things. They enable us to think through our arguments better to present an airtight case. But they also enable us to argue in ways we probably wouldn't if face to face over lunch. I appreciate both your blogs.


You're so misunderstood! It MUST be the readers' fault! It must be!

peter lumpkins


Thanks for logging on. You ask if I'd grant a similar community of in-your-face abstinence-oriented believers might have something to do with the response by those you call hipsters? No, I wouldn't. Why do you suppose Dr. Joe Godfrey, Executive Director, ALCAP (an Alabama legislative watchdog group supported by ABC), and major composer of the resolution on substance abuse and addiction, was so severely stunned at the 2006 SBC when such intense debate took place? Because abstinence within the SBC community had been the default position, there had been little to no discussion on it--except on the internet which, on all counts was completely dominated by moderationists. Abstinence-embracing believers were ridiculed and stoned. That's a fact, Darby.

Even so, granting your premise says nothing about whether it is wise or unwise to allow, on campus of our seminaries, the promotion of leadership who embrace and even ridicule the majoritarian position of the SBC. Our president has compared having Mark Driscoll with having say, C.S. Lewis. In my view, such a comparison is weak on a number of levels not the least of which is, a C.S. Lewis--or one similar to him--doubtfully would have promoted an in-your-face contrary message to a 150 year heritage.

Anyways, hope that helps.

With that, I am...

peter lumpkins


It seems we've been here before. Allow me once again: if you have a question, you're welcome to ask it. I may or may not be able to answer.

Have a great day on campus and study hard.

With that, I am...


Is it the readers' fault? Or could it be the writer's fault? It seems to me if it is possible readers' are misconstruing what you wrote (including me), then it's quite possible you aren't quite as clear a writer as you suggest.

If you are so misunderstood, it's either the readers' fault or yours! I got a Wilco song for you that is appropriate for the subject!

BTW, who said I'm a student?

peter lumpkins


Thanks. First, to my knowledge, I have not suggested here nor elsewhere either a) a hard dichotomy exists between a writer's intention and a reader's perception so that it nicely fits into an either/or proposition for determining proper interpretation. Indeed it also could be both. Hence, the "it's either the readers' fault or yours" type of hermeneutic is hardly acceptable; b) that's it's not possible I am not quite as clear a writer as I suggest I am. To the contrary, I conceded my proneness to many mistakes; therefore, I haven't a clue to what you allude

Second, Kevin, unless you can show how, from any example I gave, my point was not well taken in my objection, then I'll assume you don't have a point but only a complaint.

Third, no one. It's an assumption. Are you a SE student? If not, and my assumption offends you, know you have my deepest apologies. I shall not assume you an SEBTS student again.

Have a great day.

With that, I am...


It was a question (re a student). I was simply curious when you made the assumption. If you would like to correspond privately to find out more, you have my email address.

I made the point to ask, "Is it the readers' fault? Or could it be the writer's fault?" because I find it hard to believe it is simply a misunderstanding. So your answer isn't surprising. It seems to me, however, where character assassinations have occured in the exchanges over the weekend, you have dirtied your hands also. It is hard to believe otherwise. I have read your blog (somewhat regularly) for years, hence the "controversialist" tag and hence my surprise you would say you engage arguments at only the argument level, without personal attacks.

Do you know how many times I have read your responses to commenters and considered your words personally demeaning or condescending or snobbish toward your commenter?

It's an observation. One from a reader. I suppose I could be wrong at times when I make those observations, but I doubt I am all the time.

I'm not complaining as much as I am simply interacting with your post. I don't really have questions to ask, but neither do I assume I must ask questions in order to interact with what you write and make public. I have included sarcasm (at times) and had some fun (at lesser times) in interacting with you, but I believe I was civil, and hope you thought the same.

I'll "see you around."

peter lumpkins


I have no interest in making this comment thread a personal exchange with you about whether, being a blog reader of this site "for years," you find me hypocritical, and hence, frequently personally attacking rather than keeping a conversation at what you dub "argument level"; nor your "observation" about my alleged being "personally demeaning or condescending or snobbish toward" others.

If you have that view of me and/or this site, I'm dumbfounded you stayed around for years, frankly, allowing your spirit to be perpetually unedified. Know I certainly offer you neither support nor encouragement for such a grand waste of time, and counsel you to consider the Apostle's exhortation to 'redeem the time..."

As for not asking questions, I could not agree with you more, *if* one is making a contribution to a thread. If one is only complaining of the ethics of the bloghost, I must insist, Kevin, since such does not contribute to a thread, that a question becomes necessary by default. My site (or anyone's site, for that matter) is not a public pond which guarantees anyone the "right" to fish, especially those who want to show up, not to fish, but to throw rocks at the ducks. Sorry. There are plenty of sites out there for that, or you can start your own site if care to.

I wish you grace in your journey wherever our Lord leads.

With that, I am...

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