Georgia Baptists’ state paper, The Christian Index, has a fabulous article on SBC parliamentarian, Barry McCarty, by its editor, Dr. Gerald Harris. Even more interesting to me was McCarty’s personal musings on the presidents during the CR.
I’ve copied part of the article below. The entire story is worth your time, I assure.
With that, I am…
McCarty was thrust into the spotlight in Southern Baptist life when he was named parliamentarian during the second year of Charles Stanley’s term. Here are his remembrances of the denomination’s leaders during that turbulent era, which ended with adoption of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Charles Stanley (1984-86)
McCarty: “Who wouldn’t want to work with Charles Stanley? He taught me more about how to pray than anyone. Sometimes I thought I was praying with Elijah.”
Adrian Rogers (1986-88, Second time)
McCarty: “Adrian was a great leader, but a hoot. He had a natural wit about him – a wit that comes out of one of the greatest minds I’ve ever known.”
Jerry Vines (1988-90)
McCarty: “Jerry Vines was the great Warrior President; he was bred for combat. The back of the moderate opposition was broken during that presidency.”
Morris Chapman (1990-92)
McCarty: “Morris [Chapman] was a gentleman and the consummate administrator.”
Ed Young (1992-94)
“Ed Young was hard to contain because he had such bold ideas. He is larger than life.”
Tom Elliff (1996-98)
McCarty: “Tom Elliff brought me back to the importance of prayer. He is a great intercessor and has such spiritual depth about him.”
Paige Patterson (1998-2000)
McCarty: “Paige Patterson, of course, was the brains and architect behind the Conservative Resurgence.”
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