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Joe Blackmon

While I certainly don't think the GCR is a moderate/liberal plot or that they had any hand in developing it, I would bet you a Hardee's thickburger and a giant sized sweet tea that they see this as the best chance they've ever had to "take back the convention, by gawd". I think they see the conservatives of the SBC divided and they see an opportunity to shift the theological pendulum ever so slightly to the left. I don't even mean move it toward the middle, I mean just a half babystep to the left of where it is now. To them (folks in Enid, the people who identify themselves as SBC over at Baptistlife forums), that would be a start.

I just wonder if 20 years from now people will look back at this convention and see it as the start of the Mainstream Resurrgence [(c)2008 Joe Blackmon].

Mark Turner

I understand the force of your comments above but I, for one, am hoping to move the GCR discussion away from the "famous" (by SBC standards) personalities involved. Though I have great respect for many of the men on GCRTF, I hope that my respect of them is not the reason for support of the GCR.
In theological debates I often see persons line up scholars in defense of their position rather than discuss ideas. I hope we move beyond that in the SBC (on both sides of any argument).
As for the GCRTF, I think the report does not go far enough but is, rather, a step in the right direction.
As a pastor, I feel that the CP does not adequately fund international missions because the state conventions and the SBC have too many ancillary causes that are not central or essential for accomplishing the Great Commission (this is not to mention the many personal and local deficiencies in sacrificial giving).

Jacob Hall


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