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Chris Roberts

So now that you have criticized a large segment of Southern Baptist life for an event that hasn't even happened, what will you do when the event doesn't happen at all?


Dear Chris,

My advice:
grab a latte...

It's Friday man. Lighten up.

With that, I am...

Scott Slayton

"The world will know that you are my disciples by the way that you sarcastically mock and demean your brothers who disagree with you."


Dear Scott,

Read advice to Chris. It will help you. I trust your weekend better than today.

With that, I am...

Chris Roberts

Since we all know it is okay to mock and demean so long as you claim, "I was just trying to be funny!"

Scott Slayton

Peter, I would encourage you to read Mahaney's Living the Cross-Centered Life or Humility. You would discover that Mahaney's popularity has very little do with his views on spiritual gifts or the amount of money that he gives to SBTS. (I have been listening to and reading Mahaney for 7 years and did not know about his donations to SBTS until I read it in this post.)

Darby Livingston

Peter, you wrote, "A loss could drive Dr. Floyd either into abject obscurity (at least on a national level) or permanent self-abasement."

That is hilarious! I wonder if anyone takes the presidency of the SBC that seriously. It's a popularity contest anyway. Nothing more.

p.s. Mahaney for president!

Tim G

God created a unique thing when he created your brain. GREAT work here even for those who lack clear understanding .


Chris & Scott,

Yawn, yawn...

With that, I am...



Thanks. Bro. You did get it...


One thing is for sure, Tim: you've been talking to my wife. She ever tells me "I've never met anyone like you!!!" But it's usually in the context of a disagreement for some reason. What's up with that? :^O

With that, I am...

Scott Slayton

One thing has become evident from the comments here- those who would question you or point to resources have no sense of humor. Those who tell you how uniquely brilliant you are "get it." With all due respect, you need to get over yourself.



May the Lord bless you and keep you...
and may His face shine upon you...
...and give you peace.

With that, I am...

Bubba Thick-tongue

This is prose just the way I like it- mean-n-nasty. Keep it commin' and make us proud. You shur r smart too. I like the way you debate them 4-pointers an' intellectually reformed types an even them ar' non-cecessionists while really ignoring ever word they've said. Keep it up.

Bubba Thicktongue


Dear BT-t

Thanks for your commentary. I'll allow it to stand without signature, but only once. Do not come back anonymously. I have a horrible allergic reaction to them.

With that, I am...

P.S. Just an FYI: when one signs in and comments from the same IP address used before under a different name, the IP, of course, remains the same for both identities...



Tell us who Bubba is. We'd all like to know who tried to pull this silly stunt. Who does it look like?

David :)

PS. I bet I can guess it.


It's not funny. It's ridiculous.


Jeremiah Davies


Are we supposed to take this seriously?

A "Young, restless and Reformed" Jermiah.

FYI...IP addies can be the same if used in a computer lab. Different people same computer...


Je D,

Not necessarily. Though it would surely assist us all if you care to dispute any of the factual data behind the post.

Have a great Monday.

With that, I am...

P.S. Yes I am aware of the IP lab thingy. Ironically, Je D, your own IP is the same as a notable Calvinist who often has commented here, which is also used as yet another commenter! I sent him an email to see if you've been logging on his computer lab ;^)


Dear Kevin,


With that, I am...

Jeremiah Davies


I would like to see this "Factual data". Links would be nice. What I read above is a personal tirade.

I think what you have presented is a failed attempt at humor to call out or possible belittle those whom you call the "young, restless and Reformed" (I will presume those you disagree with). It seems to be nothing short of a internal rant thrown up on a blog. Hey I could be wrong.

A question though. Who would you have as president of the SBC? What would they have to do to gain your personal approval?

If those of us who disagree with you are what you call "young, restless and Reformed", what do you call those who would agree with you? "old, stubborn, and Traditional"? I would hope not. I would like to think that SBCers are more open minded than that.

Those of us that are young are not as naive as you might think. We do know the Parliamentary Procedures. We are not so far removed from the SBC that we would think C.J could be our next president... Though he might do a pretty good Job if he was Southern Baptist and could fill that role.

A "young (but not to young), (very)restless, and (Biblically)Reformed"
Je D

P.S. The IP thingy I can't explain. Interesting though. :D


"Thrown up" sounds about right.



Dear Kevin & Je D

It's obvious neither of you have the warm fuzzies when you read this post. Now that you've both logged it--at least twice each--I trust you'll not leave any more droppings around.

Thanks in advance.

With that, I am...

Jeremiah Davies


It is sad that you will not engage those that you attempt to run over with you bus here. Or is it that you just can't give evidence to back up your claims?

Je D


"It's not funny. It's ridiculous."

"Are we supposed to take this seriously?"

"What I read above is a personal tirade. I think what you have presented is a failed attempt at humor..."

Now, Je D: about what am I to engage?

If you think I am going to waste my time tit/tatting back and forth about whether your think I was funny or not, think again.

Now, before you respond, I'd like you to email me and verify your identity. I WILL NOT converse with an anon. or someone who is not being forthright with their identity. Hence, the email.

With that, I am...

James Galyon

In all seriousness, who would like to see as the next president of the SBC? (And why?)

chris Gilliam

I think you’re off mark Peter. It will be a dark horse candidate, mysteriously coming like a horseman from the apocalypse, thus no need for Roberts Rules for fools. A stud indeed will be the man on the steed, handing out judgment to all who fail to live missionally (or at least embracing the cool terminology). This uber p90x user, this lean machine who gathers stats and makes PPT scream, indeed his name is no mystery to the informed. Wait you’ll see the man in O’ville, the renaissance of all restless, the uniter of the unsettled, the rewarder of the cool. ;^)
Too funny---

Paul Butterworth

Having met C.J. personally, having gone to school with a former staff member of their flagship church, and having been blessed greatly by Sovereign Grace ministries I couldn't listen to this idle chatter any longer.

Look, I don't mind if you want to toe the line of slander regarding C.J. ("And, Mahaney is charismatic--literally. Mahaney made his initial mark in Christian subculture as a converted dope-addict" which you then parlay into an ad-hominem on the charismatic movement.) Keep on shooting your flaming arrows and claiming you are only joking. Please. It gives all the more credibility to your condemnation of smears on Ergun Caner.


Dear Mr. Butterworth,

Thank you. But I did not know I wrote anything here that was suppose to be a joke. Nor is it hardly slander to state the factual.

And what is so wrong about being a converted dope-addict? I am a converted booze-addict. And, if someone described me as such, I would not think it slanderous.

Now if someone said, 'former fake converted dope-addict', one may have a point about slander. What do you think?

As for speaking of the Charismatic movement, well, I'm unsure what all the fuss is. The 'quirky' and 'weird' I attached to two individuals who did fall into...well, the 'quirky' and 'weird.' Hence, I made no generalization that all charasmatics were 'quirky' and 'weird'.

I also noted two other individuals who swung the charismatic mvmt. back into mainstream evangelicalism (Grudem & Deer). Looks pretty balanced to me.

Now what this has to do with the Caner posts is well beyond my pay-grade for sober-reasoning.

Hope you have a great day, Mr. Butterworth.

With that, I am...

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