« Christs Prophets or Cultures Pollsters: To Whom Do We Turn? by Peter Lumpkins | Main | The Wit & Wisdom of Pastor Joe Brumbelow: A Brief Booknote by Peter Lumpkins »



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I will definitely be buying this book, and I will be buying them for birthday and Christmas presents for all the young, preacher boys that are in my life.


Tim Rogers

Brother David,

Would you consider me a "young preacher boy" in your life?




Tim, Pleeeeze! You are older than I am.

With that, I am...

P.S. David, would you consider buying one for a Senior Saint?


What do yall think I am? A Pastor with his own private jet?



David R. Brumbelow

Thanks for the information. I'll definitely be buying a copy of "Whosoever Will."

I agree that it is a very needed book today.
David R. Brumbelow

Robin Foster


I guess I am getting too high tech for some, but if you all could go to the amazon site and click on the link that tells the publisher that you would like to see the book in the kindle edition, that would be great.

Other than that, David Allen is a top notch scholar and humble man of God. I had the privilege of having him as my DMin prof for one year. The rewards of that year are still paying off. Therefore I can highly recommend the book before I even read it.

Now, if he could just get his commentary on Hebrews published soon..........


Robin writes: "Now, if he could just get his commentary on Hebrews published soon.........."

From your fingers to Lifeway's ears!!! I have been asking for nearly five years why we can't get the NAC series finished. What began as a 10 year project is now approaching 20 and it is still not finished.

Sorry Peter for the off topic rant ...



In the case of Allen's commentary on Hebrews, I can understand the delay. The many hundreds of footnotes alone would take several years to enter in to a document :-)

I would be willing to bet that his article on limited atonement in the above book also has the most footnotes. There are at least 129. I pity the editors if they're making a name index for the back of the book.


If it were only Allen's commentary - yes it might be understandable, but there are SEVERAL books on which we are still waiting - some of which were due out years ago.



A definite must have, must buy for me too!


Let's hope the scholarship and respect for the text in the book is of a higher caliber than the rhetoric and philosophizing during the conference.



I'm wondering if you attended the J316. If so, I can't imagine a completely benign experience. If not, I'm wondering the source from whence you gain your info.

As for my estimation, while I readily concede that certainly the presentations were uneven, both in scholarship and delivery, to offer a blanket judgment that the platform lacked any significant biblical content but was only "rhetoric and philosophizing" is patently absurd.

Hence, indicative of your comment, whether or not you intended it, is revealed an unalterable set of assumptions through which you feel you must warn all others that all theology lacks credibility that is not thoroughly "Reformed."

As we say in West Georgia, I think that's just swell. You keep right on believing it my brother.

With that, I am...


Do any of these chapters (such as Lemke's or Evan's) provide an in depth exegesis of Romans 9 and John 6? That is the 'crux' of the issue. If a clear scriptural case for Arminianism cannot be made, if the plain sense of the texts supporting the Reformed position cannot be shown to be in error, then the rest is irrelevant.


Dear Robert,

First, I responded to your forthright assertion indicating the J316C was nothing more than the "rhetoric and philosophizing." May I ask again if you attended the conference? If so, which presentations do you think provided some meaty portions to consider? If you did not attend, from what source do you get your data to boldly assert the J316C content was but "rhetoric and philosophizing"? Very simple questions.

Second, once again, you make arguable assumption concerning two texts of Scripture. Could you please inform me from Scripture itself--since it (i.e. the entirety of the biblical revelation) our authoritative standard--precisely how you conclude John 6 and Romans 9 serve as the hermeneutical hub of soteriology for all the Bible? I'm quite sure neither Jesus nor Paul explicitly--nor even implicitly--makes a statement to that effect concerning either text.

Second, am I to understand that, from your perspective, there exists no "in depth exegesis of Romans 9 and John 6" from a definitively non-Reformed perspective? Is this what you are suggesting?

With that, I am...

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