The Southern Baptist vision to reach the entire globe for Christ stands without parallel in Christian history. Neither is the vision to plant churches a more recent development of Southern Baptist life as many curiously assume. Nor have we ever considered our name as The "Southern" Baptist Convention indicative of a stunted regionalism only concerned about souls in Dixie.
Indeed quite telling of the Southern Baptist heartbeat to evangelize to the ends of the earth is the little piece below. It originally appeared on January, 4th, 1900 in "The Bee," a newspaper of Earlington, Kentucky:
More Churches for Cuba
"Dr. W. W. Landrum, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta, and Dr F. H. Kerfoot leave tonight for Havana. It is proposed to establish two new Baptist churches in Cuba instead of one as originaily [sic] contemplated. The present plan provides for one in Havana for English-speaking Baptists and one for Cubans in the province of PinardelIlion [sic]. This plan is in line with the policy of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist convention to enlarge its field of activity in Cuba during the present year."
With that, I am...
Interesting post. I had the privilege of going to Cuba in 2004 for 10 days to work with a Southern Baptist church in Camaguay. I came away very impressed with what God is doing in Cuba. There are many baptist churches and at least two Cuban baptist conventions that I'm aware of. It's amazing what God grows from a small seed such as planted by Dr. Landrum, Dr. Kerfoot, and the HMB more than 100 years ago.
Posted by: Les Puryear | 2010.01.14 at 10:27 AM
Thanks. It is interesting, especially in light of its thrust a century ago.
Hope you are well.
With that, I am...
Posted by: peter | 2010.01.14 at 12:48 PM