Below are some unrelated items of interest over the past couple weeks. No particular order. Just interesting--at least to me.
1 Last January, I committed an unpardonable sin in the eyes of some young Southern Baptists: I wrote a post which raised questions concerning what I still believe to be sub-Christian ministry methods of Mark Driscoll (//link). If you'd like an entertaining display of just how irrevocably passionate Driscoll lovers are, check out the short but revealing exchange I recently had over a simple quote I offered from Driscoll---- here...................
2 I listened with interest to the GCR panel discussion at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (//link). Take a peek.
My few thoughts.
First, I was stunned at the half-empty chapel. What happened?! Second, to hear the Conservative Resurgence and its theological impetus so obviously skewed was saddening. One of the young Southern Baptists suggested a) the CR was about getting back to biblical orthodoxy b) the CR promised what it did not deliver--a great commission resurgence. Hence, the GCR is an attempt to "build upon" and "follow through" where the CR apparently failed. Just which Baptist historian has taught this young man such an incredibly deficient understanding of our most recent history?
3 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary along with its trusty side-kick blog (B21) promoted an editorial by Doug Baker (//link; //link). Seems Baker's "ominous" outlook for the SBC may be poised to be the new scare tactic toward those who continue to raise what they believe are legitimate questions concerning those who've leveled a broadside against the Southern Baptist Convention and the Cooperative Program. If someone like myself raises a question concerning the legitimacy of the criticisms the critics of the SBC (e.g SEBTS, B21, and Founders Ministries among others) have made, it looks like I (along with others) will be viewed as promoting infighting and division.
4 By the way, take a peek at the exchange between pastor and blogger, Tim Rogers, and the Between the Times "administrators" (//link). Wow! Talking about getting chewed on! The BtT blog group--all professors at SEBTS--seem to get really "testy" with Tim were I to be asked. I think Tim handled himself very well, given the level of response from men who teach at the seminary from which he graduated. It reminds me a little bit of Rogers, Ark. when Al Mohler was "morally offended" at a sincere question a DoM asked while another was told "I'm glad my students are not here to hear this." Dialog concerning the GCR will go nowhere if overly-sensitive defensiveness continues from SBC and/or CP critics.
5 B21 also promoted a recent essay by Bryant Wright, a Georgia Baptist mega-church pastor who writes a good, clear position affirming B21's own criticisms toward the SBC and the CP (//link).
What I thought humorous is, B21 cited Wright's essay as entitled "Two Views of the Future." Well, that's hardly the case. Wright's essay is only one of two views of the future in the Christian Index's article. His essay is entitled "A Plea to Southern Baptists." The second of the two views of the future was an essay written by Larry Wynn, another Georgia Baptist mega-church pastor, an essay entitled, "Why I Believe in the Cooperative Program" (//link). I have no problem whatsoever in B21, SEBTS or any other saying, "I agree with A but I disagree with B." However, to slice B out of the equation, as if B did not exist, is just a bit too bias-blind to heat my soup.
6 Oh, before I forget. One of the recommendations Wright made was to "dramatically increase the percentage of CP funds going to our seminaries..." Recall Dr. Akin's "Myth #1": "Dr. Mohler and I publicly and repeatedly have stated we would oppose any report or recommendations that would financially benefit the seminaries" (//link). Since Drs. Akin and Mohler have "publicly and repeatedly" insisted more money to seminaries is not on the radar screen, and that they would publicly "oppose" such a plan, I wonder if SEBTS and SBTS will publicly distance themselves from Wright's recommendation. I wonder...
7 Timmy Brister, Founders Ministries most vocal advocate and chief critic of all things non-Calvinist, has a weird post which appears to suggest some cryptic meanings into state convention meetings, Acts 29 Bootcamp, and Jerry Vines Ministries all happening the same week (//link). So what's up with that? Ummm...
The comment thread predictably begins and ends (at least at last look) with a bashing of Jerry Vines Ministries, spiced in between with the bashing of state conventions. Not too edifying. Of course, A29 is the darling who is sorely needed in SBC life. One dude grieved he could not be with the A29 brothers since he "had" to attend the A111 conference for "extra" credit at NOBTS. What would we do without them!
I hope your weekend a great one.
With that, I am...
Peter, I go away for a week and miss all this? WOW... thanks for the catch up bro.
Posted by: Steve G | 2009.11.17 at 01:07 AM
My Grosey,
Know you have been missed!!
With that, I am...
Posted by: peter lumpkins | 2009.11.17 at 10:45 AM