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Luke, thanks for the 2x4 between the eyes, especially point #2. Good word!


Luke, in light of this post, I wonder how many ministers would change their minds about the resumes they submitted last week? Powerful word as I accept the place in which I've been planted to serve my Lord. Thanks. selahV


A 2x4? I certainly hope that what I wrote did not come across as a person wielding a 2x4. I would much rather warn someone before hand though instead of helping them pick up the pieces afterward.

Mrs. V,
It also helps me to remember why I am where I am. And when you think about it, it really is all the little guys that do so much of the unsung work but the best part is, is that when a little guy messes up, no one seems to notice so much. But when a prominent person does, whooey, they get all kinds of newspaper articles written about 'em. Serving the Lord where He puts us certainly has the best advantage.


Perhaps the correct word I should have used is, "Striking." It's given me food for thought. I need to re-read it.

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