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Bob Cleveland

I don't even want to know where Birmingham comes in. I never was good at interpreting Scientific number formatting (like 2E+05).

John Daly

St. Louis checked in just a few cities after you guys. Maybe I frequent the wrong crowds as rarely do I see anyone with a book; however, they do still have an opinion.

Geoff Baggett

What city? ;)


I just cant believe that Memphis, nor Greenfield, nor Hornsby, nor Waynesboro, TN made the list!!!!!



But Peter, surely the most literate cities with frequent readers correlates to the cities with the worste weather and poorest tv reception! I bet they also have the most kids too!

SelahV Today by Hariette Petersen

That's why I read your blog, Peter. I get literate by proxy. :) selahV

SelahV Today by Hariette Petersen

Is that your library in the picture?

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