Wes Kenney at SBCToday offers us a great treat--an interview with Steve Grosey. Most refer to the Australian pastor as "Grosey", not out of disrespect but out of the relational tone Pastor Steve exudes on the net. To the readers of SBCTomorrow here, Grosey is our 'resdient' Calvinist. Ever ready to defend his understanding of the Doctrines of Grace, Grosey's style of engagement stands as a model for all Calvinists and NonCalvinists alike in their dialogs with one another.
With that, I am...Peter
GROSEY IS THE MAN! I nominate him for SBC president in 2008! selahV
Posted by: selahV | 2007.10.22 at 11:19 AM
It's good to have a gracious brother of the Doctrines of Grace persuasion serve as a model to all. I wish we had more like him! Thanks, Peter, for the 'thumbs up' review of Bro. Grosey.
Sola Gratia!
Posted by: Scott Gordon | 2007.10.22 at 11:44 AM
Thanks for the link. Let me add that Steve has always been gracious in dialog with me even when we have disagreed. I appreciate his willingness to debate and warn the SBC of those who speak wide tent.
Gee, maybe I should have put this over on SBC Today?
Posted by: Robin Foster | 2007.10.22 at 03:03 PM
Thanks. Grosey is one cool dude. I look forward to his mp3 sermons on line rather than the written text.
Grace, Robin. With that, I am...
Posted by: peter | 2007.10.22 at 03:29 PM
Go Steve!
Posted by: Mary | 2007.10.22 at 03:40 PM
thank you for the kind words folks, I feel quite embarrassed.
Posted by: Steve | 2007.10.22 at 05:12 PM
Grosey is indeed a blessing from God.
Posted by: Luke | 2007.10.23 at 07:09 AM
Peter, you can understand my accent? WOW!! I preached once at a Church in Bethany OK, and a gnarly old farmer deacon came out and drawled, "Well pastor, it was a kangaroo sermon, I picked up a bit here, and I picked up a bit there, and I picked up a bit away over thar!"
Indeed there is mp3 with the sermons when I remember to take the mp3 player to the pulpit, and I remember to turn the thing on.
Posted by: Steve | 2007.10.23 at 04:18 PM