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Benji Ramsaur


I hope you are doing well.

Funny you should bring up Mr. Dagg. It was not long ago when I was reading both him and Gill in the area of ecclesiology.

I liked reading both of them and comparing what each had to say on different topics.

I hope you will ask Mr. Dagg about ministerial succession.

In Christ


Tim G

This is good stuff. I like the approach and I like the topic and yes I like the position of the topic.


I especially like the part concerning infant baptism.


boy, dagg sure looks happy in his photo, does he not? reminds me of dracula.



Every good dead theologian probably would. ;)


I remember reading that the issue of slavery was one of the primary reasons for the founding of the SBC. The SBC itself then was in general agreement in favor of the practice. Fortunately, this is not the case today, as the SBC has disavowed its old position and publicly apologized for it. Personally, I do not see slavery as forbidden by the Scriptures, but I believe that it is antithetical to the freedom given in Christ among Christian brethren, and I would like to think that wherever Christianity is, slavery should be minimized or completely abolished due to the compassion and mercy of Christian souls.

Richard Coords

I'd hate to meet that guy in a dark alley. Did he not have any happy photos?

Bob Cleveland

Just checked your website and I particularly like the separate blogroll page. You might want to note, thought, that Emily Hunter spells her last name McGowIn.

Figured you'd want to correct that.

Joe Stewart

Fascinating, when do you think the interview might continue?

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