"I am the LORD, that is My name;
And My glory I will not give to another,
Nor My praise to carved images”
(Isaiah 42.8)
Most of us go through a period in our life when we lose who we are. Ever searching, we attempt to chart a steady course through the turbulent waves of uncertainty. We experience, then, an identity crisis.
God, however, never has nor ever will experience a loss of knowing Who He is—I am the LORD, that is My name. From all eternity, God has been God. His name ever remains the same. And, His love toward us is as changeless as His name.
My glory I will not give to another. Since God ever knows Who He is, His glory never fades. It remains fully intact toward Himself. Nor will He allow His glory to be sold to the highest bidder. He allows no allegiance to be offered to another god. Our loyalty must remain toward Him. Child of God! Worship Him with unalterable allegiance and singleness of heart! Give your praise exclusively to no other. Selah.
Father. You deserve the totality of our praise. But we must confess to You, Merciful Savior, that sometimes we offer glory that rightly belongs to You…that You Yourself say You will give to no other…we offer that glory to things of our choosing. Forgive us, O God! Cleanse us, we pray! Magnify the glory You eternally deserve in our hearts, our lives, our actions. May today, O Lord, we live, giving all glory to Your Blessed Name. Amen.
Amen and Amen. To God be the Glory, great is the Name of the Lord. selahV
Posted by: selahV | 2006.12.01 at 09:13 PM
Forgive us, O God! Cleanse us, we pray! Magnify the glory You eternally deserve in our hearts, our lives, our actions. May today, O Lord, we live, giving all glory to Your Blessed Name. Amen.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow praise him all ye creatures here below!!! Sanctify us for we are still dirty, hardhearted and wrongdoers toward our neighbors. For Christ sake and by his merit Lord forgive us and sanctify us.
Posted by: stephen | 2006.12.03 at 03:18 AM
Amen. Amen.
Posted by: Luke | 2006.12.03 at 03:47 PM