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Dear Peter: 1st: I am honored to be among the links you "think" might be worthy of reading. And I am top on the list of 11. I'm giddy. 2nd:I loved your review on THE TRUTH ABOUT CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS. But facinated it's authors weren't conservative Christians and yet gave us a fair shake. (opps...am I conservative?) hmmmn. Will purchase it today and email Bill O'Reilly to purchase it too. selahV


P.S. I adore Penacostals. I think I am a Bapticostal. :) selahV



I am glad you will consider the book. I have often wondered about the alleged "clones" within Conservative Christianity yet I possessed only intuitions that made me question the conventional wisdom. I know from my Pastorates that we were more diverse than most seemed to allow.

I will post more later. Have a great afternoon. With that, I am...



Peter: ditto that on our pastorates. mixed bag of yellow-dog dems and milktoast reps. Makes me truly question what a "real" anything is. gotta admire them hyper-C's even if we non-C's don't see eye to eye on everything. selahV

Bruce Prescott


Thanks for calling attention to this book. It definitely looks like a book worth reading.


Dr. Prescott,

Thanks for stopping by. With that, I am...


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