Today, I begin a weekly series of little devotions for the 2 day weekend—thus, I title them "2 Days’ Journey". I hope they will assist you in some small way, anticipating a glorious Lord’s Day with our Coming King. And, though I will leave the comments open, the thoughts are designed as contemplative, surely not argumentative. A much needed break from the continued diverse discussions…
"Then the LORD said to Moses, "Come up
to Me on the mountain and be there;
and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments
which I have written, that you may teach them." --Exodus 24.12
Come up to Me. What a thrill! Both a command and an invitation at the same
time. Come up! Do you not wish to
go? Would you not take our Lord up on
His most sincere invitation? Come up! Where Life is…Where Light is…Where hope and faith and love all have
their origin. Come up! To the very
threshold of God’s throne.
And be there. Not just ascending the mountain. Many could make that journey. Rather our Father bids us to not only come up but also to be there. That is, He wishes us to relax…take it all in…enjoy…exist in His Presence, child.
And I will give you tablets…which I have written…The gift of being in the Presence of God is the gift of communication. God speaks…He really speaks… To us! God communicates His purpose...His desire…To us! Ah, But we must go there…and be there…in order to commune with Him there. Selah.
Let us Pray...
Children of the Living God! That is what we are, Father! That is what we are. That is what I am. You invite me as Your child to come and be with You. Oh most Blessed Lord! Please, I pray, accept my deepest regret I have not come ever the sooner. I was afraid. I feared Your Awesome Presence. I mistook You as Unapproachable. I turned away from Your Divine Person. Thank You, O Mighty Jesus! You have bought my way and paid my price into the Presence of the Father. You and You alone are responsible for my invitation to come and be there with Father. Amen.
Posted by: volfan07 | 2006.10.27 at 01:05 PM
Your prayer is as profound and thoughtful as your devotional, and that puts both in lofty territory. Thanks.
Paul B.
Posted by: vtmbottomline | 2006.10.27 at 03:37 PM
Peter: Enjoy your visit. Absorb all of Him. Revel in His gentleness. Crawl up on His lap and cuddle for a long long time. Let Him smooth your furrowed brow and heal any weeping wounds. Drink in the glory of His majestic wonder and bring us back fresh fountains springing forth to cleanse and fill our hearts and minds. God bless you again and again on your time with our Father. Selah, indeed! selahV
Posted by: SelahV | 2006.10.27 at 04:03 PM