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My name is Peter Lumpkins. My wife and I presently live in the north Georgia mountains.

A call to ministry came to me in the Fall of 1978. Since, most of the ministry to which God graciously honored me to do has been as a local church pastor. When I turned 50, however, God led in other directions that included Interim work, evangelism, church administration, college administration, editorial work, and writing. I recently finished my PhD dissertation in Church History and am presently serving at Truett McConnell University as Director of TMU Press and will begin in Spring 2019 as associate professor of Christian Studies.

I'm definitively conservative theologically and decidedly Baptist by conviction. Yet I find myself eager to dialog with those not of my spiritual DNA. Personally, I think my journey enriched, not threatened by, open, honest dialog.

Such does not mean, however, I understand no biblical or biblically-derived, ecclesial boundaries to exist. To the contrary, I most decidedly do.

It does mean that, even though we may or even must belong to different faith communities, our common faith in the redemptive cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ especially binds us together for eternity.

Specifically, I express my unalterable belief in historic Christianity and the unalterable truth of the Christian Bible. In short, for me, whatever Scripture says, God says.